
Showing posts from October, 2024

Thought for October 5, 2024

 1877: Chief Joseph surrenders ending the Nez Perce war.  1914: First aerial combat resulting in a kill 1921: First World Series radio broadcast 1924: "Little Orphan Annie" comic appears in NY Daily News 1925: WSM Nashville radio begins broadcasting 1931: First non-stop transpacific flight 1945: "Meet the Press" premiers on radio 1947: First televised Presidential address from the White House--Harry Truman 1956: "The Ten Commandments" released.  1962: "Dr. No" premiers and Beatles release their first record ["Love Me Do"] 1969: "Monty Python's Flying Circus" premiers on BBC1 2000: President Trump leaves Walter Reed Hospital still suffering with Covid Born: Jonathan Edwards, Chester Arthur, Robert Goddard, Ray Kroc, Bill Dana [Jose Jimenez], Kate Winslet, Laura Davies, Mario Lemieux Died: Charles Cornwallis, Tecumseh, Louis Brandeis, Charlie Smith [oldest American at age 137], Rodney Dangerfield, Steve Jobs Thought: Turned

Thought for October 4, 2024

 1883: The Orient Express departs for first official journey--Paris to Istanbul 1895: First US Open Men's Golf tournament 1927: Borglum begins sculpting Mount Rushmore 1957: Soviets launch Sputnik 1 2006: WikiLeaks launched by Julian Assange 2023: Kevin McCarthy voted out as Speaker of the House Born: Rutherford B Hayes, Damon Runyon, Jackie Collins, Anne Rice, Buster Keaton, Charlton Heston, Susan Sarandon, Dakota Johnson, Tony La Russa Died: Rembrandt, Frederic Bartholdi, Janis Joplin, Secretariat, Loretta Lynn Thought: Reading the minor prophets can be depressing. They are speaking because the people have turned their backs on the Lord, rebelled, turn to religious ceremony rather than humble worship. So today I am reading from the Psalms, specifically Psalms 95-98. Notice how each of these psalms begin: Let us sing for joy to the Lord [95] Sing to the Lord a new song. [96] The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice. [97] Sing to the Lord a new song. [98] So this morning I am looking

Thought for October 3, 2024

1863: Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving 1872: Bloomingdale's opens in NYC 1908: Leon Trotsky founds Pravda 1913: Income Tax law signed by Woodrow Wilson [1%] 1922: Rebecca Felton of Georgia is first woman in the Senate 1941: "Maltese Falcon" premiers 1951: Bobby Thompson hits shot heard round the world as Giants beat Dodgers 1955: "Captain Kangaroo" and "Mickey Mouse Club" premier 1995: OJ Simpson found not guilty of murder. On this date in 2008, he is found guilty of kidnapping and armed robbery. 2003: Roy Horn [Seigfried & Roy] attacked by his tiger. 2018: In the greater fool contest, a bottle of Scotch whiskey sold for $1.1 million Born: Thomas Wolfe, James Herriot, Gore Vidal, Ken Berry [Mayberry RFD], Chubby Checker, Dave Winfield, Al Sharpton, Fred Couples, Gwen Stefani, Neve Campbell Died: Cassius, Francis of Assisi, Myles Standish, Elias Howe, John Heisman, Woody Guthrie, Harriet Nelson, Janet Leigh Thought: R

Thought for October 2, 2024

 1789: Bill of Rights submitted to the states for ratification 1792: Baptist Missionary Society forms in London 1871: Brigham Young arrested for bigamy 1872: According to Jules Verne, Phileas Fogg begins his journey around the world 1902: Beatrix Potter publishes "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" 1950: First Charlie Brown comic strip [originally called "Li'i Folks" then "Peanuts"] 1957: "Bridge on the River Kwai" released 1967: Thurgood Marshall becomes first black Supreme Court Justice Born: Nat Turner, Mahatma Ghandi, Groucho Marx, Bud Abbott, Graham Greene ["The Power and the Glory"], Robert Henry Lawrence Jr. [first black astronaut],  Johnnie Cochran, Steve Sabol [NFL Films], Don McLean ["American Pie"], Donna Karan, Kelly Ripa Died: Samuel Adams, Tom Petty, Rock Hudson Thought: As I read through Malachi again, 3:15 catches my eye. "So now we call the arrogant blessed." Think about the word "arrogant" with

Thought for October 1, 2024

 1867: Karl Marx publishes "Das Kapital" 1868: Louisa May Alcott publishes "Little Women" 1888: First edition of "National Geographic" 1890: Congress creates the Weather Bureau [recommend "Isaac's Storm"] 1890: Yosemite National Park created 1891: Stanford University founded.  1892: University of Chicago founded by Baptists, the American Baptist Education Society and John D Rockefeller. Land donated by Marshall Field, Chicago retailer. 1893: Hurricane kills 1800 in Mississippi 1903: First World Series game 1908: Model T introduced 1942: Little Golden Books begins publishing 1961: Roger Maris hits #61 1962: Johnny Carson hosts first Tonight Show 1971: Walt Disney World opens 1975: Thrilla in Manilla--Ali beats Frazier Born: Bonnie Parker, Jimmy Carter, Julie Andrews, William Boeing, Theresa May, Richard Harris,  Died: Louis Leakey, E.B. White, Al Oerter Thought: Still in chapter 1 of Malachi. My friend Joe Cimino always pronounces the name of