Thought for October 2, 2024

  •  1789: Bill of Rights submitted to the states for ratification
  • 1792: Baptist Missionary Society forms in London
  • 1871: Brigham Young arrested for bigamy
  • 1872: According to Jules Verne, Phileas Fogg begins his journey around the world
  • 1902: Beatrix Potter publishes "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"
  • 1950: First Charlie Brown comic strip [originally called "Li'i Folks" then "Peanuts"]
  • 1957: "Bridge on the River Kwai" released
  • 1967: Thurgood Marshall becomes first black Supreme Court Justice
  • Born: Nat Turner, Mahatma Ghandi, Groucho Marx, Bud Abbott, Graham Greene ["The Power and the Glory"], Robert Henry Lawrence Jr. [first black astronaut],  Johnnie Cochran, Steve Sabol [NFL Films], Don McLean ["American Pie"], Donna Karan, Kelly Ripa
  • Died: Samuel Adams, Tom Petty, Rock Hudson
As I read through Malachi again, 3:15 catches my eye. "So now we call the arrogant blessed." Think about the word "arrogant" with me. Look up the word in the dictionary and look for synonyms in your Thesaurus. Making or having the disposition to make exorbitant claims of rank or importance; haughty, proud, egotistical, pompous, conceited, boastful, overbearing, smug, bossy. 

Now think with me about the people you are reading about in the paper, listening to on the radio, watching perform in entertainment, sports, following on the internet, supporting in politics. Do any of those people seem to fit the definition of arrogant. Now think about what the Bible says:
  • 2 Timothy 3:1-5: In the last days, people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive . . . without self-control . . .swollen with conceit . . .Avoid such people.
  • Proverbs 16:5: The Lord detests the proud of heart. 
  • James 4:6: God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.
  • Philippians 2:3: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves.
  • Proverbs 26:12: Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them
And there are many more. I find myself praising the haughty, the show off, the arrogant--or listening to their music, watching their movies and television programs, cheering for their athletic success. Maybe that is why our nation and world seems so dark and why evil seems to be rampant. 

Lord, help me to see things as You do. 



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