Thought for October 9, 2024

  •  768: Charlemagne crowned King of the Franks
  • 1000: Leif Ericson discovers Vinland
  • 1635: Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts for his religion--founds Rhode Island on basis of freedom of conscience
  • 1701: Collegiate School of Connecticut founded [Yale]
  • 1855: Singer patents sewing machine motor
  • 1888: Washington Monument opens to the public
  • 1926: NBC founded
  • 1980: First home use of computer banking--United American Bank Knoxville
  • 1986: "Phantom of the Opera" premiers in London
  • 1997: Dean Smith retires as North Carolina coach
  • Born: Aimee Simple McPherson [Pentecostal evangelist], John Lennon, Bill Lee, John Lennon, Annika Sorenstam, Julianne Vaughn [best granddaughter]
  • Died: Che Guevara, Oskar Schindler, Aileen Wournos [serial killer], 
I am still reading Jeremiah 1. Slow progress for me. Jeremiah has been assured that God has a plan for him, has set him apart for that assignment and will be with him and provide all he needs. God has said, "do not be afraid." [1:8] I am pondering why God always tells us that--do not fear, trust Me and My promises. I think I understand with Jeremiah. Jeremiah was assigned to tell the people that God has seen their sin and rebellion. God has sent warnings and they have been ignored. Now, judgment is coming--drought, captivity, oppression, and destruction. Jeremiah has a tough message--so tough that he ends up being jailed and later thrown into a cistern because he proclaims God's message. Jeremiah had good reason to be afraid, but God says, "do not fear" because I am with you.

Trying to apply this truth to my life this morning. Has God asked me to do anything that makes me afraid--afraid of rejection, afraid of being taken advantage of, afraid of consequences, afraid of harassment or ridicule? Am I afraid of what people will say, jobs I might lose, "friends" that may leave me. Am I afraid of not being accepted, liked, welcomed. What are the things that keep me from being all-in for Jesus? Am I afraid?

God has the same message to me that He gave to Jeremiah--do not fear because I am with you. Satan's weapons are fear, doubt and lies. God's resources are faith, hope, truth. If God's promises are true, why should I fear? Whom shall I fear? If the creator of the universe is my resource, my strength, my deliverer, who shall I fear? Easy to write this down, so hard to live every moment in the power of the Spirit.



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