Thought for October 5, 2024

  •  1877: Chief Joseph surrenders ending the Nez Perce war. 
  • 1914: First aerial combat resulting in a kill
  • 1921: First World Series radio broadcast
  • 1924: "Little Orphan Annie" comic appears in NY Daily News
  • 1925: WSM Nashville radio begins broadcasting
  • 1931: First non-stop transpacific flight
  • 1945: "Meet the Press" premiers on radio
  • 1947: First televised Presidential address from the White House--Harry Truman
  • 1956: "The Ten Commandments" released. 
  • 1962: "Dr. No" premiers and Beatles release their first record ["Love Me Do"]
  • 1969: "Monty Python's Flying Circus" premiers on BBC1
  • 2000: President Trump leaves Walter Reed Hospital still suffering with Covid
  • Born: Jonathan Edwards, Chester Arthur, Robert Goddard, Ray Kroc, Bill Dana [Jose Jimenez], Kate Winslet, Laura Davies, Mario Lemieux
  • Died: Charles Cornwallis, Tecumseh, Louis Brandeis, Charlie Smith [oldest American at age 137], Rodney Dangerfield, Steve Jobs
Turned over to Psalm 100 this morning. It starts by telling us to shout joyfully to the Lord like we did yesterday.  But the next verses of the psalm tells us things we should do in response to all He has done:
  • Serve the Lord with gladness. We serve Him with joy. We serve Him glad that He has invited us to work with Him in His plan to redeem man. 
  • Come before Him singing. We sing all those praises and testimonies that we shared yesterday. This makes me think about the slaves and workers in the fields serving a good and loving master. Their days are work, but their songs are praise. 
  • Know that He is God and we are not. If I could just keep this straight. We often say about coaches or government, "if I was in charge, if I was the coach, if I was the mayor, governor, president", this is what I would do. Too often I act like I am the master of my life--I gave up the throne when I accepted Him as Savior and Lord. 
  • We are His sheep. Boy, is that ever true. We are His sheep--blind, without protection, unable to get up if we fall down. Praise God we have the Great Shepherd to guide, provide, protect. 
  • Be thankful--in everything we give thanks.
  • Give Him all praise because He is worthy. 
And the psalm ends with why we serve, praise, and thank Him. He is good. He is faithful. Who else do you know who is always good and always faithful. He keeps every promise. He always matches His character in His actions. 

This psalm should get me ready for worship tomorrow. 


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