Thought for October 3, 2024

  • 1863: Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving
  • 1872: Bloomingdale's opens in NYC
  • 1908: Leon Trotsky founds Pravda
  • 1913: Income Tax law signed by Woodrow Wilson [1%]
  • 1922: Rebecca Felton of Georgia is first woman in the Senate
  • 1941: "Maltese Falcon" premiers
  • 1951: Bobby Thompson hits shot heard round the world as Giants beat Dodgers
  • 1955: "Captain Kangaroo" and "Mickey Mouse Club" premier
  • 1995: OJ Simpson found not guilty of murder. On this date in 2008, he is found guilty of kidnapping and armed robbery.
  • 2003: Roy Horn [Seigfried & Roy] attacked by his tiger.
  • 2018: In the greater fool contest, a bottle of Scotch whiskey sold for $1.1 million
  • Born: Thomas Wolfe, James Herriot, Gore Vidal, Ken Berry [Mayberry RFD], Chubby Checker, Dave Winfield, Al Sharpton, Fred Couples, Gwen Stefani, Neve Campbell
  • Died: Cassius, Francis of Assisi, Myles Standish, Elias Howe, John Heisman, Woody Guthrie, Harriet Nelson, Janet Leigh
Reading and thinking about God's word through Malachi concerning offerings, I turned to Isaiah 1 this morning. Reading verses 10-17 in chapter 1. God asks a tough question--what are your multiplied sacrifices to Me? Wow! The people were bringing sacrifices, in fact, multiple sacrifices. Yet, God asks what are these to Me? He calls the sacrifices "worthless" in 1:13. Not only do the sacrifices count as nothing before Him, God says: they do not please Him [1:11]; they are an abomination to him [1:13]; they are burdensome to Him [1:14]. Now think with me about gifts you may have received or gifts you may have given. 

Suppose you brought a gift and the recipient responded by saying to you--I don't like it, I don't want it, I don't need it, it is a burden to me. Now some of us more mature people have gotten to the place where we tell people not to give us anything at birthdays or Christmas--we don't want anything, need anything and don't want to have to store anything. What if I started to place my offering envelope in the plate on Sunday and a voice from heaven said, "STOP." That offering is worthless to Me, an affront to Me. a burden to Me. Why did God say this to Judah? The people had revolted [1:2] and turned away from God. [1:4]. 

What should those people do? What should I do? God answers in 1:16-17.  
  • Stop doing evil. Examine my life and consider my ways. Ask the Lord to show me my unconfessed sins. 
  • Learn to do good. Notice that I don't naturally do good. I have to learn to do good. Our pastor has said that no one drifts into holiness. It is an intentional act, a decision made daily.
  • Seek justice. Only one is just--Jesus. So when I seek justice, I am seeking to do things His way, to conform to His will and His ways..
  • Reprove the ruthless. Stand up against those that are oppressing and harming others.
  • Defend the orphan and plead for the widow. Look out for and support the helpless and hopeless. 
Now this also reminds me that if I am in church praying and recall that either I have something against someone or that they have something against me, I am to leave church, to the extent I can make things right, and then return to worship and pray. What would church look like Sunday if everyone did that?



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