Thought for October 15, 2024

  •  1815: Napoleon begins exile at St Helena
  • 1878: Edison Electric Light Company incorporated
  • 1917: Mata Hari executed for spying
  • 1928: Hindenburg disaster in Lakehurst NY
  • 1933: 20th Amendment effective moving inauguration from March to January
  • 1937: Hemingway publishes "To Have and Have Not"
  • 1951: "I Love Lucy" premiers
  • 1952: "Charlotte's Web" published
  • 1964: Don Schollander wins second of four Gold Medals at Tokyo Olympics
  • 1966: LBJ signs law creating the Department of Transportation
  • 1966: Huey Newton creates the Black Panther Party
  • 1976: First Vice-Presidential Debate--Mondale and Dole
  • 1991: Clarence Thomas confirmed as Supreme Court Justice
  • Born: Virgil, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Kenneth Galbraith, Mario Puzo ["The Godfather"], Lee Iacocca, Penny Marshall, Richard Carpenter, Sara Ferguson, Jim Palmer [pitcher]
  • Died: Robert Herrick ["Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May"] Herbert Henry Dow [Dow Chemical], Hermann  Goering [Nazi], Horton Smith [won Masters twice], Carlo Gambino [gangster], Pat O'Brien, Paul Allen [Microsoft], Cole Porter
Reading Jeremiah 4:1-4 this morning. Here God speaks to Judah and Jerusalem. God calls them/us to return to Him. [4:1] Then He gives some specific things we are to do:
  • Put away idols [4:1]. What would happen in my life today if I simply put away everything that keeps me from serving God all in, 100%. What changes would I make in my calendar, my checkbook and budget, my "spare time", my service opportunities, my attitude. Would it change who I admire, who I support, who I cheer for, who I give money to? 
  • Soften your hearts [4:3] Sometimes I have been called hard headed or stubborn, but if I really examine myself, it may be hard heartedness not a hard head. Have I gotten so seared by the world that I cannot accept the word? I cannot extend love and grace and mercy. I am so sure that I can't let God's word speak or maybe I simply fear that if I really listen and hear it will require changes I don't want to make. 
  • Don't sow among thorns [4:3] Jesus spoke of the seed that fell among thorns. There He called the thorns the worry of the world, the deceit of riches, the pride of life. Am I trying to sow gospel seeds in ground that is hard [like the seed sowed on the road] or am I claiming to sow seeds in a life that is being choked by the world? 
  • Circumcise your hearts [4:4] Do I need heart surgery? Cut away the unnecessary or dead parts. Or maybe this is a reference to the covenant. Jewish males were circumcised on the 8th day signifying that they were sons of the covenant. What do I need to cut away to signify that I am a child of God--anger, impatience, greed, envy, failure to forgive. 
Later in this chapter God says to wash our hearts from evil [4:14] Paul's letters often speak about the things we should put off and those we should put on. In Colossians 3 he tells us to put off immorality, impurity, passion, evil motives, greed and to put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and forgiveness. I guess this is something I need to do every day.



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