Thought for October 31, 2024

  •  1517: Martin Luther sends 95 Theses to the Archbishop of Mainz--Reformation Day
  • 1541: Michelangelo completes "The Last Supper" in the Sistine Chapel
  • 1918: Spanish flu kills 21,000 people in the US in one week
  • 1922: Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy
  • 1941: Mount Rushmore completed by Gutzon Borglum
  • 1950: Earl Lloyd is first African American to play in the NBA
  • 1968: LBJ orders end to bombing in North Viet Nam
  • 1988 First Monday Night Football game--Colts beat Broncos 55-23
  • 1992: Catholic Church apologizes to Galileo after 359 years
  • 1999: EgyptAir 990 crashes off Nantucket--217 killed
  • 2003: Bethany Hamilton loses arm to a shark while surfing
  • 2010: "The Walking Dead" premiers
  • 2011: World population reaches 7 billion
  • Born: Vermeer, John Keats, Juliette Gordon Lowe, Chiang Kai-shek, Michael Collins [astronaut], Michael Landon, John Candy, Dan Rather, Vanilla Ice, 
  • Died: Harry Houdini, Indira Gandhi, Federico Fellini, River Phoeniz, Sean Connery
Yesterday I was reading Romans 5:1-11 and rejoicing in the justification by faith available in Christ. Today I am back to that passage considering 5:3-5. In Christ, we have peace, hope, reconciliation, salvation. But I notice that this does not mean every day is devoid of challenges, trials, tribulations. What has changed is how we view those tribulations--before we faced them with fear, dread, anxiety. But now, we "exult" in them. Exult is triumphant elation--victorious joy. Christ has won the war, so we face the battles with the full knowledge that He is the victor. And in and through Him we have victory.

Look at the progression in 5:3-5. Tribulation teaches us endurance/perseverance. Through His strength and His grace, we are able to endure, for greater is He within us that he who is in the world. Perseverance hones, refines, and builds proven character. As our character is tested, it grows and conforms to Christ. We often talk about how challenges build character. I think that challenges reveal character. I am grateful that we don't have to face challenges in our strength alone, but in His strength. Proven character results in hope--every time Jesus faithfully brings us through, our hope and assurance that all of His promises are true is enhanced. If Jesus walked with me through this fire, he will walk with me through the deep water. If Jesus held me during this storm, He will hold me fast through the next. Reminds me of that new hymn, "He Will Hold Me Fast."
When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast.
When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast.
Those He saves are His delight, He will hold me fast
Precious in His holy sight, He will hold me fast.
He'll not let my soul be lost, His promises shall last.
Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast.
For my life He bled and died, Christ will hold me fast.
Justice has been satisfied, He will hold me fast.
Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast.
'Till our faith is turned to sight, When HE comes at last.

Today, no matter the tribulation, no matter the trial, no matter the pain, He will hold us fast. A hope that will never disappoint!




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