Thought for October 16, 2024

  • 1847: Charlotte Bronte publishes "Jane Eyre"
  • 1859: John Brown leads raid at Harper's Ferry
  • 1863: Grant given command of the Union Army
  • 1875: BYU founded
  • 1916: Margaret Samger opens the first birth control clinic
  • 1923: Disney Brothers cartoon studio formed
  • 1940: Benjamin Davis becomes the first black general in the US Military
  • 1946: 10 Nazi leaders hung at Nuremberg
  • 1950: First release of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
  • 1962: Cuban missile crisis begins
  • 1968: Tommy Smith and John Carlos give Black Power salute on the podium in Mexico City
  • 1984: Desmond Tutu wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • 2016: Ed Whitlock becomes the oldest peron to complete a marathon in under 4 hours at age 86
  • Born: Noah Webster, Oscar Wilde, David Ben-Gurion, Eugene O'Neill, Angela Lansbury, Charles Colson, Suzanne Somers, Jim Ed Norman, Sue Bird, Naomi Osaka,  Tim Robbins
  • Died: Hugh Latimer [burned at the stake as one of three Oxford Martyrs], Marie Antoinette, General George Marshall, Gene Krupa, Moshe Dayan, Shirley Booth, James Michener, Deborah Kerr, Barbara Billingsley
Reading Jeremiah chapter 5 today and particularly 5:20-31. The danger is coming from the north. Nebuchadnezzar is leading a powerful army. But, the people do not repent, the prophets tell the people not to worry, in spite of their unfaithfulness God will never let Jerusalem fall. The priests are continuing the rituals and ceremonies. Do you think we are seeing the same thing in America today? Look at God's words:
  • You have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear. [5:21] Have my eyes been blinded to the Lord's truth by the world. Have I heard His words but ignored them. If I acted on what my spiritual eyes and ears saw and heard, would it change how I lived? Do I see the moving of God's hand or just fret about all the crime, lies and politics.
  • You do not fear God. [5:22] Don't I see this every day? People celebrate lifestyles that flaunt God's law. People make fun of those that try to live by the word. Christians are vilified for stances on life and right. Then I must ask myself, do I really fear the Lord? Do I act like I believe His word or simply say, He will forgive. Do I remain silent when people tell jokes, speak with anger and hatred, openly challenge God's way? 
  • You chase money and fame and position and power without regard for others or the truth. [5:26-28] We use deceit, cleverness, half-truths, withholding the full truth, all in order to gain something for self. We quickly adapt to the company's way if we want to succeed and be paid and promoted. 
  • You don't help the widow and orphan and the poor. [5:28]  I find myself avoiding the poor, or giving some money so someone else can deal with the problems. I judge the poor--why don't they work, there are jobs to be had. I do not seek to understand. And I think the government should solve the problems.
  • Prophets prophesy what people want to hear and priests make up their own rules in the own authority. [5:30-31] Sounds like some sermons we hear about or read about. Reminds us of some promises and commitments from politicians and candidates. They speak in their own authority and often try and wrap it in Christian verbiage. 
Now notice the real problem with all these things God condemns--the people love it! [5:31] God calls this an appalling and horrible thing. Lord, help me see with Your eyes, hear clearly Your words, show my faith by what I do, and be ashamed of what I/we have become. Help me stand fast on Your truth and always be ready to give an account of the hope that I have in You.



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