Thought for October 1, 2024

  •  1867: Karl Marx publishes "Das Kapital"
  • 1868: Louisa May Alcott publishes "Little Women"
  • 1888: First edition of "National Geographic"
  • 1890: Congress creates the Weather Bureau [recommend "Isaac's Storm"]
  • 1890: Yosemite National Park created
  • 1891: Stanford University founded. 
  • 1892: University of Chicago founded by Baptists, the American Baptist Education Society and John D Rockefeller. Land donated by Marshall Field, Chicago retailer.
  • 1893: Hurricane kills 1800 in Mississippi
  • 1903: First World Series game
  • 1908: Model T introduced
  • 1942: Little Golden Books begins publishing
  • 1961: Roger Maris hits #61
  • 1962: Johnny Carson hosts first Tonight Show
  • 1971: Walt Disney World opens
  • 1975: Thrilla in Manilla--Ali beats Frazier
  • Born: Bonnie Parker, Jimmy Carter, Julie Andrews, William Boeing, Theresa May, Richard Harris, 
  • Died: Louis Leakey, E.B. White, Al Oerter
Still in chapter 1 of Malachi. My friend Joe Cimino always pronounces the name of this book in Italian--Ma-lach-i, the only Italian prophet. In 1:6-14, God asks questions and provides answers.

The questions: Where is My honor? Where is My respect? Why do you despise My name? Why do you profane my name? [1:6, 12] 

The response from the priests and people: How have we despised Your name? [1:6] How have we defiled Thee? [1:7]

God's answer: 
  •  An imperfect sacrifice. The people were presenting blind and lame lambs and animals for sacrifice, not the perfect sacrifice required by the law. [1:8]
  • An unworthy sacrifice. The people were bringing to the Lord, offerings they would never present to the earthly king. [1:8-9] They were bringing sacrifices attained by robbery [1:13]. Most of us do not present offerings gained by robbery, but this verse made me think, things gained by robbery did not cost the giver anything. What am I offering to the Lord that really costs me something---what am I doing without to bring His tithe? What about my time and talents---what am I willing to give up to have time to serve Him. In college, my roommate and I gave up television for lent. Problem: we did not have a tv. Sacrifices that do not cost do not count.
  • A superficial sacrifice. Over in 2: 13, the prophet tells the people that all of their professed sorrow and weeping over their sins are worthless and superficial if hearts are not changed and sins repented. 
Two thoughts come to mind. First, Romans 12:1-2 speaks to this issue. I am to present my body as a living and holy sacrifice--a holy life of sacrifice--which is my REASONABLE service of worship. Second, I recall an offertory prayer by Peter Marshall-- “help us to give according to our incomes. lest Thou, O God, make our incomes according to our gifts.”

Today, I am thinking about where in my life I am defiling His name by being a false witness of who He is. Think about having to wear a shirt that says, “I am following Jesus.” Would you be guilty of false advertising? That’s what I am asking myself today. 



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