
Showing posts from April, 2024

Thought for April 30, 2024

 311: Edict of Toleration ends persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire 1492: Spain announces it will expel all Jews 1789: George Washington inaugurated 1803: Louisiana Purchase Treaty signed in Paris 1859: "A Tale of Two Cities" published 1897: Discovery of the electron announced 1900: Casey Jones dies in the crash of the Cannonball Express 1916: Germany is first country to have daylight savings time 1939: Lou Gehrig plays his 2130th and last game 1966: Church of Satan founded in San Francisco--started much earlier 1975: Fall of Saigon 1989: World Wide Web launched in the public domain [source code published on this day in 1993] 2004: Photos of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison released 2009: Chrysler files for bankruptcy 2020: President Trump says Covid virus originated in a lab in Wuhan Born: Carl Gauss [mathematician], Alice B Toklas, Eve Arden, Robert Shaw, Johnny Horton ["Battle of New Orleans"], Cloris Leachman, Don Schollander, Isaiah Thomas, Michael

Thought for April 29, 2024

 1429: Joan oif Arc arrives at Orleans 1764: John Newton ordained a deacon -- "Amazing Grace" 1852: First edition of Roget's Thesaurus published 1918: Tris Speaker has 4 unassisted double plays 1943: Dietrich Bonhoeffer arrested by Nazis 1945: 31,601 liberated from Dachau 1961: Wide World of Sports premiers 1990: Wrecking balls begin destruction of Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate 1992: Rodney King riots begin after policemen acquitted 2004: Last Oldsmobile produced 2018: "The Simpsons" passes "Gunsmoke" in number of episodes Born: William Randolph Hearst, Duke Ellington, Hirohito, Danny Davis [Nashville Brass], Rod McKuen, Willie Nelson, Zubin Mehta, Bernie Madoff, Duane Allen [Oak Ridge Boys], Johnny Miller, Dale Earnhardt, Jerry Seinfeld, Michelle Pfeiffer, Reggie Miller, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Jay Cutler, Justin Thomas Died: Abraham Gesner [kerosene], Alfred Hitchcock, John Kenneth Galbraith, Bob Hoskins, Calvin Peete Thought: I have turned

Thought for April 27, 2024

 1749: First performance of Handel's "Music for the Royal Fireworks" 1773: Parliament passes the Tea Act--Boston does not agree 1805: Marines attack the shores of Tripoli 1810: Beethoven composes "Fur Elise" 1865: Cornell University chartered 1937: First Social Security payment 1982: Trial of John Hinckley for shooting President Reagan begins 2020: Confirmed Covid cases pass 3 million Born: Samuel Morse, U.S. Grant, Rogers Hornsby, Walter Lantz [Woody Woodpecker], Jack Klugman, Coretta Scott King, Judy Carne,  Died: Ferdinand Magellan, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edward R Murrow, Al Hirt, Ruth Handler [Barbie] Thought: Reading Proverbs 3:1-8 this morning where we find one of the well-known verses. Yesterday, in chapter 2 we read about seeking to know God as a hidden treasure. Today, notice how chapter 3 begins--don't forget the teaching that you found when you earnestly sought God in His commandments and don't just remember it, keep it. Don't be a hearer, b

Thought for April 26, 2024

 1654: Jews expelled from Brazil 1835: Chopin's "Grand Polonaise Brillante" premiers 1859: First successful use of temporary insanity defense in the U.S.  1865: Army of Tennessee surrenders at Durham NC 1877: Minnesota Governor calls for a day of prayer for deliverance from a locust plague. For 2 days warm weather continues to cause grasshoppers to hatch and scoffers laugh; on the 4th day a late freeze kills them all. A Chapel at Cold Spring commemorates the answered prayers. 1920: Debut of ice hockey in the Olympics 1941: First organ at a baseball stadium--Cubs 1954: First mass inoculations with the Salk vaccine 1986: Reactor explodes at Chernobyl 2018: Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault 2019: Survey response--No religion--23.1%; Catholic, 23%; evangelical  22.5% Born: Marcus Aurelius, John James Audubon, Frederick Law Olmstead, Charles Richter, I.M. Pei, Carol Burnett, Donna de Varona, Jet Li, Melania Trump Died: John Wilkes Booth, Gypsy Rose Lee, Count Basie, Br

Thought for April 25, 2024

 1507: Martin Waldseemuller is first to use "America" on his map 1684: Patent granted for the thimble 1719: Daniel DeFoe publishes "Robinson Crusoe" 1792: "La Marseillaise" composed--later French national anthem 1886: Freud opens his first neurological practice in Vienna 1926: Puccini's "Turandot" premiers in Milan 1953: Crick and Watson publish discovery of double helix 1959: Saint Lawrence Seaway opens 1971: 200,000 anti-Vietnam war marchers protest in Washington 2011: 300 killed in tornado outbreak in the South Born: Oliver Cromwell, Guglielmo Marconi, Ella Fitzgerald, Al Pacino, Adam Silver,  Died: Anders Celsius, Ginger Rogers, Harry Belafonte Thought: Reading in Micah 7 today. Take a look with me at 7:7-8 and 18-20. The first 6 verses of chapter 7 talk about a terrible time--no grapes to pick, no figs to eat, no godly person. Both hands are set to evil. All the people are at best a briar or a thorn. There is no one to trust and your own

Thought for April 24, 2024

 1184 BC: Greeks enter Troy in Trojan Horse 1800: Library of Congress established 1872: Mt. Vesuvius erupts 1877: Last Union troops withdraw from the South 1897: First reporter assigned to the White House 1898: Spain declares war on the U.S. 1950: Jordan annexes the West Bank 1962: First TV signal sent by satellite 1990: Michael Milken pleads guilty to violating securities laws 2011: Hundreds of Christians arrested for Easter celebration in Beijing public square [they had been stripped of their churches] Born:Robert Bailey Thomas [founded Farmer's Almanac], John Russell Pope [architect for Jefferson Memorial and National Archives], Robert Penn Warren, Justin Wilson [chef], Shirley McLaine, Barbara Streisand, Richard Sterban [Oak Ridge Boys], Cedric the Entertainer, Chipper Jones, Lee Westwood, Kelly Clarkson Died: Daniel DeFoe, Bud Abbott, Wallis Simpson, Pat Paulsen, Estee Lauder Thought: Yesterday, Micah wrote about the coming last days when peace would reign and fear would be no

Thought for April 23, 2024

  1597: Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor" first performed--Queen Elizabeth attends 1789: George Washington moves into Franklin House in NY, the first official Presidential residence 1861: Robert E Lee named commander of Army of Virginia  1900: First known appearance of the word "hillbillie" [NY Journal] 1939: Ted Williams hits his first home run 1954: Hank Aaron hits first of 755 home runs 1969: Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for killing Robert Kennedy--commuted to life 1984: AIDS virus identified as acquired immune deficiency syndrome Born: Shakespeare, James Buchanan, Shirley Temple, Timothy McVeigh [Oklahoma City bombing], John Cena Died: Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, James Earl Ray, Boris Yeltsin Thought: Micah chapter 3 ended with a bad picture of Jerusalem's fall about 100 years after Micah wrote.  Today I am reading 4:1-5. How gracious and loving is our God? How forgiving! The destruction and desolation of 3:12 will not last forever. God

Thought for April 22, 2024

 1864: First appearance of "In God We Trust" on coins--2 cents 1876: Tchaikovsky completes "Swan Lake" 1914: Babe Ruth pitches first professional game---wins 6-0 1915: First use of poison gas in warfare--Germans use chlorine 1934: 5,000 pastors and laymen form the "Confessing Church" relying on the Reformation confessions of faith rather than Nazi racial theories and propaganda 1940: Eighteen months before Pearl Harbor, Admiral Taussig testifies before the Senate that war with Japan is inevitable 1966: Atlanta Braves win their first game 1976: Barbara Walters becomes first woman nightly network news anchor 1993: Holocaust Memorial Museum dedicated 1994: Hutus slaughter 7,000 Tutsi's in Rwanda 2018: Gunman opens fire in a Nashville Waffle House killing 4. James Shaw wrestles the rifle from the gunman. Born: Muhammad, Queen Isabella, Henry Fielding, Immanuel Kant, Lenin, Robert Oppenheimer, Eddie Albert, Steve Fossett [first to fly solo, non-stop around

Thought for April 20, 2024

 1529: The term "protestant" is first applied to the Reformers--Second Diet of Speyer 1611: First known performance of "MacBeth"---Globe Theater 1862: Louis Pasteur completes the first pasteurization test 1898: Spurgeon's London Tabernacle burns 1912: Fenway Park and Tiger Stadium open 1918: The Red Baron [von Richthofen] shoots down his 79th and 80th plane--he dies the next day 1920: Balfour Declaration makes Palestine a British Mandate 1940: 1st electron microscope demonstrated 1967: Tom Seaver wins his first game 1971: Supreme Court upholds busing to achieve racial desegregation 1979: Jimmy Carter attacked by a swamp rabbit 1999: 13 killed and 24 injured at Columbine 2010: Deepwater Horizon explodes killing 11 and causing massive oil slick 2020: Sailing stops due to Covid--last three ships reach port Born: Young Tom Morris [4-time British Open Champ], Adolph Hitler, Lionel Hampton, George Takei [Sulu on "Star Trek"], Ryan O'Neal, Steve Spurrier,

Thought for April 19, 2024

  1775: "Shot heard round the world"--Lexington MA 1854: Charles Haddon Spurgeon [age 19] called to pastor New Park Chapel, London 1892: Charles Duryea takes the first American made auto for a drive 1897: First Boston Marathon 1934: Shirley Temple's first feature film--"Stand Up and Cheer" 1943: Jews refuse to give up the Warsaw Ghetto--Nazis attack beginning the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1963: Johnny Cash releases single--"Ring of Fire." Written by June Carter and Merle Haggard 1971: Sentencing of Charles Manson 1982: Sally Ride named the first female astronaut and Guino Bluford named the first black astronaut 1993: After a 51-day siege, 76 Branch Davidians die near Waco 1995: Timothy McVeigh explodes a truck bomb in Oklahoma City killing 168 and injuring 500. 2020: Covid death toll reaches 40,000 Born: Eliot Ness, Frank Fontaine, Hugh O'Brian, Dick Sargent, Jayne Mansfield, Dudley Moore, Al Unser Jr., Ashley Judd, Kate Hudson, Maria Sharapova Died:

Thought for April 18, 2024

 1506: Cornerstone of the current St. Peter's is laid in Rome 1775: Paul Revere and William Dawes spread the word, "the regulars are coming." 1783: Washington issues a General Order--hostilities with Britain are ended. thanks be to the almighty, and authorizing an extra ration of alcohol to the troops 1906: San Francisco earthquake kills about 4,000 and destroys 75% of the city 1909: Joan of Arc beatified by the Catholic Church. 1924: First crossword puzzle book published by Simon & Schuster 1934: First laundromat opens [Fort Worth TX] Born: Lucrezia Borgia, Clarence Darrow [Monkey Trial], Barbara Hale ["Perry Mason"], Hayley Mills, James Woods, Rick Moranis,  Conan O'Brien, David Tennant,  Died: Yamamoto, Albert Einstein, Thor Heyerdahl, Dick Clark, Kenneth Schermerhorn, Mason Rudolph,  Thought: Reading Jonah 3:2-3. As Yogu Berra might say, deja vu all over again. Verse 2 looks like 1:2--arise and go to Nineveh. But between 1:2 and 3:2, what do we have-

Thought for April 17, 2024

 1387: Characters in the "Canterbury Tales" begin their journey 1725: John Rudge leaves twenty shillings a year from his estate to hire a poor man to keep people awake during sermons and keep dogs out of the church 1905: Supreme Court holds laws unconstitutional that set maximum work day--abridge the right to contract 1961: 1400 Cuban exiles land at the Bay of Pigs 1964: Ford Mustang formally introduced 1970: Apollo 13 lands safely 1993: Riots after 2 policemen found not guilty in Rodney King trial Born: Alexander Cartwright [invented modern baseball], JP Morgan, Thornton Wilder, William Holden, Harry Reasoner, Daffy Duck [first appearance], Sean Bean, Boomer Esiason, Jennifer Garner, Victoria Beckham Died: Ben Franklin, Ralph David Abernathy, Linda McCartney, Barbara Bush Thought: Reading Jonah 2:9 this morning. As chapter 2 begins, Jonah has been in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights. He describes being thrown into the sea. Notice, it was the sailor

Thought for April 16, 2024

 73: Masada falls to the Romans 1881: Bat Masterson fights his final gun battle--Dodge City 1900: Post Office issues its first "book" of postage stamps 1922: Annie Oakley breaks 100 clay targets in a row 1943: Psychedelic effect of LSD discovered 1962: Walter Crokite begins anchoring CBS Evening News 2007: Virginia Tech Massacre--32 killed, 23 injured 2020: 22 million file for unemployment over a few weeks because of Covid Born: Wilbur Wright, Charlie Chaplin, Peter Ustinov, Henry Mancini, Bobby Vinton, Dusty Springfield, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Bill Belichick, Ellen Barkin, Martin Lawrence Died: Madame Tussaud, Alexis de Tocqueville, Edna Ferber, David Lean, Pat Summerall Thought: Have you ever just contemplated Jonah 1:17? Jonah has been thrown overboard into the sea far from land. And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah. Reading this one verse brings several things to my mind: God knew Jonah would run from His presence. God knew Jonah would go to Joppa and get on

Thought for April 15, 2024

 297: The seven martyrs of Samos are jailed for refusing to sacrifice to pagan gods; they will be crucified in late June 1802: William Wordworth sees a "long belt" of daffodils and writes, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" 1817: First American school for the deaf opened by Thomas Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc 1865: Abraham Lincoln dies 1896: First modern Summer Olympics held in Athens 1912: Titanic sinks 1924: Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas 1927: Babe Ruth hits first of 60 home runs 1947: Jackie Robinson's first major league game 1952: First bank credit card issued 1955: Ray Kroc opens the first McDonald's 1992: Jay Leno's final appearance as host of The Tonight Show 2013: Boston Marathon bombing 2019: Fire at Notre Dame in Paris 2020: U.S. reports 2752 Covid deaths Born: Leonardo da Vinci, Mary Harris Thompson [first American female surgeon], Joseph Seagram, Henry James, Corrie Ten Boom, Bessie Smith [Empress of the Blues], Nikita Khrushchev, El

Thought for April 13. 2024

 1742: Handel's "Messiah" performed for the first time 1840: William Henry Lane perfects the tap dance 1869: George Westinghouse patents steam powered brake 1870: Metropolitan Museum of Art opens in NYC 1933: First flight over Mt. Everest 1943: Jefferson Memorial dedicated 1949: Mayo Clinic announces discovery of cortisone 1970: Apollo 13 announces--"Okay Houston, we've had a problem here." 1986: Jack Nicklaus wins 6th Masters and 18th Major--Verne Lundquist says "Yes sir" at 17 1997: Tiger Woods wins his first major by 12 strokes at the Masters 2020: Andrew Cuomo says "I believe the worst is over."  Born: Peter Faber [Society of Jesus], Guy Fawkes, Thomas Jefferson, L.B. Lightfoot, FW Woolworth, Butch Cassidy, Robert Watson-Watt [radar], Alfred Butts [Scrabble], Samuel Beckett ["Waiting for Godot"], Howard Keel, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Don Adams, Dan Gurney, Lyle Waggoner, Tony Dow ["Leave It to Beaver"], Gary Kasp

Thought for April 12, 2024

  1557: Protestant converts are burned for their faith--Thomas Loseby, Henry Ramsey, Thomas Thirtel, Margaret Hyde, and Agnes Stanley 1858: First US billiards championships 1861: Fort Sumter attacked 1862: James Andrews steals the General at Kennesaw GA and begins the great locomotive chase 1877: Catcher's mask first used in baseball 1938: First law requiring medical tests for marriage--NY 1945: FDR dies at Warm Springs GA 1953: Ben Hogan wins his second Green Jacket 1961: Yuri Gagarin is first to orbit earth 1964: Arnold Palmer wins his 4th Green Jacket 1966: First B-52 bombing in Viet Nam 1987: Larry Mize chips in from 140 feet on the 2nd playoff hole to win the Masters 1987: Texaco files for bankruptcy 1992: Fred Couples has the miracle on 12 and wins the Masters 2020: 40 tornadoes kill 32 from Texas to SC Born: Henry Clay, Peter Safar [pioneered CPR], Tiny Tim [Tiptoe through the Tulips], John Hagee, David Letterman, Tom clancy, Vince Gill, Claire Danes Died: Adoniram Judson [m

Thought for April 11, 2024

 1814: Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba 1868: Shogunate abolished in Japan 1900: Navy acquires first modern submarine--USS Holland 1966: Sinatra records "Strangers in the Night" 1968: LBJ signs the 1968 Civil Rights Act Born: James Parkinson [first description of Parkinson's Disease], Charles Evans Hughes [Supreme Court], Dean Acheson, Oleg Cassini, Ethel Kennedy, Joel Grey,  Died: Kurt Vonnegut, Jonathan Winters, James Anthony Bailey [Barnum & Bailey], Erskine Caldwell,  Thought: Well, I have reached the Minor Prophet Jonah today. Jonah was the son of Amittai, which means "truthful" or "faithful." Interesting that Jonah's father would be called faithful when Jonah ran from the command of the Lord. Jonah and his father are also mentioned in 2 Kings 14:25 as being servants and prophets during the reign of Uzziah [Azariah] and Jeroboam II [Israel]. Apparently, Jonah had spoken for the Lord and prophesied about future good times for Judah.

Thought for April 10, 2024

 1790: US Patent system formed 1815: Major portion of Mt. Tambora eruption--year without summer 1816: Samuel Taylor Coleridge recites "Kubla Khan" to Lord Byron who convinces him to publish it. 1825: First hotel opens in Hawaii 1849: Walter Hunt patents the safety pin 1866: ASPCA forms 1869: Congress increases Supreme Court from 7 to 9 1912; Titanic begins its maiden and final voyage 1925: "The Great Gadsby" published 1947: Jackie Robinson signs with the Dodgers 1949: Sam Snead wins first of three Masters titles 1961: Gary Player is first international to win the Masters 1963: USS Thresher, nuclear sub, sinks killing 129 including my friend Joel Stephens 1995: NYC prohibits smoking in restaurants seating more than 35 2019: First photo of a black hole 2019: NY declares health emergency after measles outbreak Born: Jim Bowie, Lew Wallace ["Ben Hur"], William Booth [Salvation Army], Joseph Pulitzer, Frances Perkins [first woman Cabinet member], Harry Morgan [

Thought for April 9, 2024

  1768: John Hancock refuses to allow British soldiers to search his ship 1816: African Episcopal Methodist Church organizes in Philadelphia 1865: Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House 1939: Marian Anderson sings before 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial 1959: NASA names 7 astronauts 1963: Churchill becomes the first honorary US citizen 2013: French Senate approves same-sex marriage Born: Curly Lambeau, Paul Robeson, Hugh Hefner, Cheetah [Tarzan movies], Michael Learned, Dennis Quaid, Seve Ballesteros, Kristen Stewart, Jackie Evanco,  Died: Francis Bacon, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Frank Lloyd Wright, Willie Stargel,  Thought: Read with me Hosea chapter 6 today. We have just celebrated Easter. Read what God said to the prophet 2700 years ago and over 700 years before Jesus was born.  The Lord has torn us and wounded us, but He will heal and bandage us. He will revive us after 2 days and raise us up on the third day. Sound familiar. By His stripes we are healed. He was wounded for my transgres

Thought for April 8, 2024

1766: First fire escape patented--wicker basket on pulley and chain  1974: Hank Aaron hits number 715 Born: Ponce de Leon, Mary Pickford, Sonja Henie, Robin Wright Died: Elisha Otis, Pablo Picasso, Omar Bradley, Marian Anderson, Margaret Thatcher Thought: I am considering the minor prophets for my Sunday School class after we complete a study in James. Reading some of these prophets requires me to look at myself and our nation today. This morning I am reading Hosea chapter 4:1-10. God addresses the sons of Israel--could be written to us today. In the first 6 verses, Hosea gives us cause and effect. Things are not well with Israel, so what is the problem? There is no faithfulness, no kindness and no knowledge of God. [4:1] The effect--the land mourns, the people languish, and nature suffers. [4:3] I think about that first in my own life. If I am not faithful to the Lord, if I don't try my best to look like Him [His kind], and if I know about God but have no real knowledge of God, wh

Thought for April 6, 2024

  1830: Joseph Smith and 5 others form the Church of Later-Day Saints in Fayette NY 1862: Battle of Shiloh 1889: George Eastman begins selling flexible rolled film 1893: Mormon Temple in Salt Lake dedicated 1909: Robert Peary reaches the North Pole 1917: U.S. declares war on Germany 1930: Hostess Twinkies invented 1934: 418 Lutheran ministers arrested in Germany 1936: Tornado kills 203 and injures 1800 in Gainesville GA 1958: Arnold Palmer wins the first of 4 Masters 1980: Post-It Notes introduced 2020: A tiger in the Bronx zoo tests positive for Covid 2020: British Open cancelled due to Covid Born: Raphael, Donald Douglas [DC-3], James Watson [DNA], Merle Haggard, Billy Dee Williams, Paul Rudd, Janet Lynn [5-time US Figure Skating Champion] Died: Richard the Lionheart, Raphael [on his 37th birthday], Thomas Green Clemson [Clemson University], Chiang Kai-shek, Isaac Asimov ["I, Robot"], Greer Garson, Tammy Wynette, Thomas Kinkade, Mickey Rooney, Merle Haggard [on his birthday

Thought for April 5, 2024

1722: Easter Island discovered 1792: First Presidential veto 1815: Mt. Tambora erupts. Largest eruption ever witnessed. Created year without summer in 1816--frost and snow in North America in June and July. Largest part of eruption on April 10th. Killed 10,000 in initial blast.  1906: Mt. Vesuvius erupts killing 100 1923: Firestone begins producing inflatable tires 1936: Tupelo almost completely destroyed by a tornado--216 die 1972: Baseball strike costs 86 games 2063: On "Star Trek", earth has its first contact with the Vulcan species Born: Thomas Hobbes, Joseph Lister, Booker T Washington, Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Arthur Hailey. Gale Storm, Frank Gorshin, Colin Powell, Pharrell Williams Died: Robert Raikes [Sunday School], Douglas MacArthur, Howard Hughes, Abe Fortas, Sam Walton, Allen Ginsberg, Saul Bellow, Charlton Heston, Honor Blackman Thought: Reading Daniel 1:5-7 this morning. Continuing with the thoughts about Nebuchadnezzar's plan. Having brough

Thought for April 4, 2024

1789:  First Congress begins session in NYC 1949: NATO Treaty signed  1968: Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in Memphis 1973: World Trade Center opens 1974: Hank Aaron ties Babe Ruth with homer #714 1975: Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen Born: Yamamoto, Anthony Perkins, Heath Ledger, Robert Downey Jr. Died: William Henry Harrison, Karl Benz, Andre Michelin, Adam Clayton Powell Thought: Tomorrow I will begin leading a study in the book of Daniel for our men's group. As I prepare, I am reading Daniel 1:1-4. What a brief summary of so significant events. Makes me wonder how the Lord views events that we see as so very important. Take a look with me: Jehoiakim reigned as king of Judah from 609-598 BC, about 11 years. What do we know about him? His name was Eliakim and he was the brother of Joahaz and son of Josiah. Josiah was a good king over Judah. He removed the abominations from the land and restored the Passover (2 Chronicles 34-36). But Josiah went to war with Egy

Thought for April 3, 2024

 1860: Pony Express begins between St. Joseph MO and Sacramento CA 1882: Jesse James killed by Robert Ford 1933: First airplane flight over Mt. Everest 1953: First issue of TV Guide 1960: Elvis records "It's Now or Never", "Fever", and "Are You Lonesome Tonight" at RCA Nashville 1973: First mobile telephone call 1974: Super tornado outbreak kills 315 and injures 5,500. One hit a house on Tyne Blvd. where I was staying. 2007: Lady Vols wins 7th national title 2020: Captain Brett Crozier cheered after his firing for writing a letter demanding more help for sailors infected with Covid Born: Washington Irving, Boss Tweed, Leslie Howard, Henry Luce [publisher of Time, Life and Fortune], Sally Rand, Iron Eyes Cody, Doris Day, Marlon Brando, Virgil Grissom, Jane Goodall, Wayne Newton, Tony Orlando, Alec Baldwin, Eddie Murphy,  Died: Johannes Brahms, Reginald Heber, Warren Oats, Sarah Vaughan, Pinky Lee, Eddie Robinson, Tom Dempsey,  Reginald Heber wrote many

Thought for April 2, 2024

 1513: Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain 1792: Coinage Act--$10 Eagle, $5 half-Eagle, $2.50 quarter-Eagle [all gold coins], silver dollar, half dollar, quarter, dime and half-dime 1877: First Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn 1917: Jeanette Rankin begins first term in the House  1931: Jackie Mitchell [17 year-old girl] strikes out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in exhibition baseball game in Chattanooga 1954: Plans announced to build Disneyland 1978: Velcro put on the market 1986: NCAA adopts the 3-point shot 2006: 29 people killed by tornadoes in Tennessee 2020: Covid cases exceeds 1 million Born: Charlemagne, Casanova, Hans Christian Andersen, Emile Zola, Walter Chrysler, Buddy Ebsen, Alec Guiness, Jack Webb, Whirlaway, Marvin Gaye, Don Sutton, Emmylou Harris, Rodney King,  Died: Samuel Morse, William Longstaff ["Take Time to Be Holy"], Buddy Rich, Harvey Penick, Winnie Mandela Thought: Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers on Sunday night, but He had appeared

Thought for April 1, 2024

  1748: Ruins of Pompeii discovered 1778: Oliver Pollock creates the $ symbol 1889: First dishwashing machine marketed 1891: The Wrigley Company founded 1905: SOS adopted as distress signal 1927: First automatic record changer--His Master's Voice 1929: Louis Marx introduces the yo-yo 1930: Bobby Jones begins his Grand Slam season 1934: Clyde Barrow kills two young highway patrolmen 1945: Battle of Okinawa 1952: Big Bang theory proposed 1954: Air Force Academy established 1967: Department of Transportation begins operation 1976: Apple Computer founded 1982: Canal Zone transferred to Panama 2000: Michelle Kwan wins her third World Figure Skating Gold 2004: Gmail introduced Born: William Harvey [circulation of blood], Otto Von Bismarck, Edgar Wallace [King Kong], Bo Schembechler, Debbie Reymolds, Jim ED Brown, Ali McGraw, Phil Niekro, Samuel Alito,  Died: Benjamin Pierce, Scott Joplin, William Newell ["At Calvary"], Helena Rubenstein, Marvin Gaye, John Forsythe Thought: What