Thought for April 23, 2024
- 1597: Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor" first performed--Queen Elizabeth attends
- 1789: George Washington moves into Franklin House in NY, the first official Presidential residence
- 1861: Robert E Lee named commander of Army of Virginia
- 1900: First known appearance of the word "hillbillie" [NY Journal]
- 1939: Ted Williams hits his first home run
- 1954: Hank Aaron hits first of 755 home runs
- 1969: Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for killing Robert Kennedy--commuted to life
- 1984: AIDS virus identified as acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- Born: Shakespeare, James Buchanan, Shirley Temple, Timothy McVeigh [Oklahoma City bombing], John Cena
- Died: Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, James Earl Ray, Boris Yeltsin
Micah chapter 3 ended with a bad picture of Jerusalem's fall about 100 years after Micah wrote. Today I am reading 4:1-5. How gracious and loving is our God? How forgiving! The destruction and desolation of 3:12 will not last forever. God has a redemptive plan that will not be defeated, even by our disobedience and rebellion.
As I read these verses, my mind pictures the word of God fulfilled. Jesus said that when He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself. Now read 4:1-2. There is a rift in the earth that stretches from Mount Hermon through the Jordan Valley and down the African continent. This is where the African Plate and Arabian Plate meet. Mt. Zion lies along the Jordan rift. Scientist predict a great earthquake along this rift. Now think about Mt. Zion being lifted high and people coming to worship the reigning Lord.
Why is He coming--to teach us His ways so that we may walk in them. [4:2] And when we walk in His ways--the way of peace--swords into plowshares, spears into pruning hooks. Why? Those are the tools of the gardener. I have always thought that the Bible's story was the story of how God in His grace and power restored us to His garden.
Then look at verse 4--in this new place of peace, there will be no fear except for the fear and awe of God Himself. The Prince of Peace has come again and fear has been destroyed. And I love the promise--"for the mouth of the Lord has spoken." We have God's eternal word that this day will come. It may be hard to see now, it may be hard to believe now, but in the last days, we will sing, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone."
And this is not a short term peace, a cease fire, a truce--read 4:5--we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever. O Happy Day!
Amazing how in 700 BC. God speaks to Micah with words of warning, judgment--but always with the promise of His victorious reign and our eternal peace. How great is our God!
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