Thought for April 29, 2024
- 1429: Joan oif Arc arrives at Orleans
- 1764: John Newton ordained a deacon -- "Amazing Grace"
- 1852: First edition of Roget's Thesaurus published
- 1918: Tris Speaker has 4 unassisted double plays
- 1943: Dietrich Bonhoeffer arrested by Nazis
- 1945: 31,601 liberated from Dachau
- 1961: Wide World of Sports premiers
- 1990: Wrecking balls begin destruction of Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate
- 1992: Rodney King riots begin after policemen acquitted
- 2004: Last Oldsmobile produced
- 2018: "The Simpsons" passes "Gunsmoke" in number of episodes
- Born: William Randolph Hearst, Duke Ellington, Hirohito, Danny Davis [Nashville Brass], Rod McKuen, Willie Nelson, Zubin Mehta, Bernie Madoff, Duane Allen [Oak Ridge Boys], Johnny Miller, Dale Earnhardt, Jerry Seinfeld, Michelle Pfeiffer, Reggie Miller, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Jay Cutler, Justin Thomas
- Died: Abraham Gesner [kerosene], Alfred Hitchcock, John Kenneth Galbraith, Bob Hoskins, Calvin Peete
I have turned to Proverbs 6:16-19 this morning. Have you ever encountered a situation and wondered, "how does the Lord feel about this?" I often find myself asking God to show me His will for a situation and praying for wisdom to know His will. When I do that, He sometimes responds with these 4 verses in Proverbs. Read these very straightforward words with me. Here are seven things that God hates. Notice that the first 5 start at the top of my head and go to my feet. In the morning we often put on the full armor of God beginning with the helmet of salvation. Maybe these are things that we should make sure we take off every morning before we start our day.
- Haughty eyes. Arrogance and pride are an abomination to the Lord. Why? When I am haughty, I begin to think that I am God, I am in control, I am the most important person. Scripture tells me to humble myself under the mighty hand of God and that He will exalt me at the right time. I am a slave, a servant, a child---He is the Master, the Ruler, the King. Haughty eyes get this relationship backwards. But haughty eyes also reflect my view of others. Arrogance and pride make me think that I am worth more, more important than others. This is not loving my neighbor as myself. This morning, my first thoughts ought to be about who He is and who I am, then about how that fact changes my relationship with others.
- A lying tongue. I have noticed in my life that pride, haughtiness, leads me to lying--maybe not blatant lies but lies that elevate me and put others down. As I think about it this morning, pride is a form of lying, because it is not the truth. Pride leads to a problem my father identified for me as a teenager--your tongue is writing checks your body cannot cash. My mouth was saying things that were leading to conflict.
- Hands that shed innocent blood. Pride and lying and listening to lies can lead to blood shed. My pride, my lies, my bragging, my elevating of self and demeaning others leads to conflict. And this makes me recall the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount--murder is not just killing someone, it is viewing them and treating them as without value or less value than me. It may be killing them with my words.
- A heart that devises wicked plans. Maybe I have not used my tongue wrongly and maybe I have not shed innocent blood, but in my heart I am thinking about all the ways I would like to get even, punish that person, see that person fail or be hurt. I wish someone else would put them down.
- Feet that run toward evil. Am I quick to join into a evil scheme or activity. Maybe I don't come up with the plan myself, but am I eager to join in the evil plans of others. Do I encourage them to act on their evil plans, egg them on, or am I a peacemaker?
- A false witness. This could just mean lying in court. But thinking about these other sins, maybe this refers to my life --filled with pride, lying, wicked heart, joining the evil plans of others--makes me a false witness for Jesus. I calim to be a little Christ -- a Christian-- but then my heart and my actions evidence something else. I am a false witness for the Lord.
- One who spreads strife. This one should be deleted from the Bible because it hits too close to home. Do I strive for unity in the body or do I take pleasure in spreading rumors, being critical, questioning authority, complaining.
Lord, examine me today--point out those things in my life that offend You and help me conform to the image of Jesus.
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