Thought for April 10, 2024
- 1790: US Patent system formed
- 1815: Major portion of Mt. Tambora eruption--year without summer
- 1816: Samuel Taylor Coleridge recites "Kubla Khan" to Lord Byron who convinces him to publish it.
- 1825: First hotel opens in Hawaii
- 1849: Walter Hunt patents the safety pin
- 1866: ASPCA forms
- 1869: Congress increases Supreme Court from 7 to 9
- 1912; Titanic begins its maiden and final voyage
- 1925: "The Great Gadsby" published
- 1947: Jackie Robinson signs with the Dodgers
- 1949: Sam Snead wins first of three Masters titles
- 1961: Gary Player is first international to win the Masters
- 1963: USS Thresher, nuclear sub, sinks killing 129 including my friend Joel Stephens
- 1995: NYC prohibits smoking in restaurants seating more than 35
- 2019: First photo of a black hole
- 2019: NY declares health emergency after measles outbreak
- Born: Jim Bowie, Lew Wallace ["Ben Hur"], William Booth [Salvation Army], Joseph Pulitzer, Frances Perkins [first woman Cabinet member], Harry Morgan [MASH, Dragnet], Chuck Connors, Junior Samples, Wesley Clark [1st personal computer], Omar Sharif, John Madden, Don Meredith, Steven Segal,
- Died: Pope Gregory XIII [calendar], Khalil Gibran, Harley Earl [auto designer], Sam Kiinison, Little Eva ["Locomotion"], Dixie Carter
Have you ever read the Book of Amos? The prophet spoke during the reigns of Uzziah in Judah [about 780-740 BC, with a portion as co-regent with his father] and Jeroboam II in Israel [about 790-750 BC]. Amos spoke primarily to Israel. Think about the economic and cultural situation in the U.S. today and then compare it with Israel during the life of Amos. Israel had not known a defeat in years. It had become wealthy and felt secure. the people were arrogant. The culture had become corrupt---drunkenness and immorality were everywhere. The people were preoccupied with getting rich and living well. Cults were leading people astray--golden calves and altars and temples to various gods. Sound somewhat familiar?
God began to allow a series of problems to arise in an effort to redirect the people to Himself. In chapter 4:6-11, the prophet describes the problems and then concludes on behalf of the Lord "yet you have not returned to Me." There was famine [4:6], drought [4:7-8], wind, mildew and the caterpillar invasion [4:9], plague [4:10, and loses in battle [4:11]. Yet, the people refused to turn to the Lord. The result was that Israel fell in 722 BC and the tribes were dispersed.
But God extends grace and an invitation to return. In chapter 5, God twice says, "Seek the Lord that you may live" and also "seek good and not evil that you may live." [5:4, 6, 14] Today, I am so grateful that God continues to offer grace. I fail and He loves. I confess and he forgives. Like the prodigal's father, He waits for me to return. Aren't you grateful that despite all our issues, God still pours out grace.
Lord, forgive us for failing to return to you---personally and nationally. Thank You for being the God of second chances. Help us to love and obey, trust and follow You. We are grateful for Your amazing grace.
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