Thought for December 20, 2024

  •  1522: Suleiman the Magnificent accepts the surrender of the Knights of Rhodes who later become the Knights of Malta
  • 1803: Formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase territory to the U.S.
  • 1812: "Grimm's Fairy Tales" published
  • 1820: Missouri imposes a "bachelor's tax" on unmarried men between 21-50
  • 1860: South Carolina votes to secede
  • 1917: Lenin forms the Checka, forerunner to the KGB
  • 1946: "It's a Wonderful Life" premiers
  • 1957: Elvis receives his draft notice
  • 1960: Viet Cong officially form in South Viet Nam
  • Born: Harvey Firestone, Jonah Hill, 
  • Died: Sacagawea, John Steinbeck, Carl Sagan
Yesterday we were looking at our role as ambassadors for Christ, carrying a message of reconciliation to the world. The first 10 verses of 2 Corinthians 6 continues this thought. Here is what I am receiving today:
  • I am working with Jesus to carry the message of reconciliation. [6:1] As Blackaby tells us, see where God is working and join Him there. I was talking to a friend about her son a few weeks ago. He was contemplating making an investment in a concrete company to become a minority owner. I told her that he should be careful because picking partners--whether marital or business---is a serious matter. But in our Christian walk, we have been invited to partner with Jesus in His work. He is a partner that we can trust. Think for a moment about that invitation--the King of kings wants you to be His partner--how can you refuse that offer?
  • There is urgency to the message. [6:2] The time is now to be a faithful ambassador. This is not something to postpone until a better time, a better place, a better audience. Today is the day of salvation. We need to be on the move now.
  • Now what are the rules for our ambassadorship?
    • Do not do anything to discredit the message. [6:3] Don't allow what I say or do to detract from or confuse the message. Be a faithful messenger because the message is faithful and true.
    • Always identify myself as His servant. [6:4] I go in His power, in His name, in His strength, with His love, grace and mercy. I can be clearly identified as His.
    • Expect trouble. [6:4-5] Just because I am on a mission from God does not mean there will be no problems. There will be affliction, hardship, distress, beatings [physical and mental], prison, labor, sleepless nights, and hunger. These require endurance so I read James 1:1-2.
    • Allow the Spirit to fill you. [6:6] Keep your life pure--mind, attitude, speech. Seek knowledge from His word. Demonstrate patience, kindness and love. 
    • Walk in His power. [6:7] So walk in the word, using the weapons of the Spirit recalling that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil. 
    • Regardless how the world sees you or slanders you. [6:8] We walk in His glory even when the world dishonors us. We walk in His truth, even when the world lies about us. 
    • Even in the face of death we are more than conquerors through Him who saved us. [6:9-10] And we face all with joy  recognizing that though the world sees us as dying and poor, we are living and rich. We see things from His perspective, not the world's. 
This tells me we to walk to a different drummer, walk in a different reality, understand the truth and trust it. The Lord's rules of engagement with the lost world make little sense to the world--but they are wisdom to those who are following Him.



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