Thought for June 27, 2024

  •  1864: Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
  • 1905: Russian sailors mutiny on the Potemkin
  • 1923: First aerial refueling
  • 1950: Truman orders Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict
  • 1955: First automobile seat belt law--Illinois
  • 1972: Atari founded in Sunnyvale CA. 
  • 1977: Terrible day--Supreme Court allows lawyers to advertise
  • 2023: Ryan Seacrest announced as successor to Pat Sajak on "Wheel of Fortune"
  • Born: Helen Keller, Bob Keeshan [Captain Kangaroo], Ross Perot, Vera Wang, Lorrie Morgan, JJ Abrams, Tobey Maguire, 
  • Died: Joseph Smith, Lottie Dod, Albert Broccoli, Jack Lemon, Shebly Foote ["The Civil War"], Gale Storm, 
Psalm 139 is a very popular and often read Psalm. The first 6 verses speak of God's omniscience---He knows me and everything about me. This means I cannot fool Him, trick Him,  lie to Him. But it also means He loves me despite knowing everything--what a Friend. And because He knows everything, He can meet every need--He is my sufficiency. Verses 7-12 speak of His omnipresence---He is everywhere. This means I cannot hide from Him, but it also means He is always with me. 

Today I am pondering the prayer at the end of the psalm--139:23-24. God already knows everything about me. He knows my heart, my tongue, my thoughts, my attitude, my weakness, my strength. He knows my fears and doubts, my ways. Why would the psalmist ask God to search and try him? Not for God's information--the prayer is that God who knows me intimately would tell me what He sees in me. I am largely incapable of self-evaluation. I need the One who is the standard to tell me where I am missing the mark, running out of bounds. Rather than hiding from His truth, I want Him to reveal what He actually sees. Ever have a friend like that---other people might not give you an honest evaluation, might not want to hurt your feelings, might color the truth to make you feel better--but the one true friend would be honest--maybe something as simple as that haircut is not looking good, that dress doesn't really put you in the best light, that person is really not a good match for you. Sometimes it made us mad, but we always knew that real friend would be honest with us. The psalmist is going to the one who is everywhere and knows everything and asking for an honest evaluation---show me what I am missing. 

Then the psalmist asks for the Perfect One to lead him into the everlasting way. Lord, lead me, guide me, direct me, correct me, mold me. Think about that today. Am I willing to ask God to truly look at me and show me where I am out of line and then lead me back to the right path--His way that is eternal. 

For me this is tough, but then I remember that He loved me enough to die for me. Am I willing to take an honest evaluation from the One who loves me most? He is always working for my good and His glory. Lord--search me, assay me, test me---I want to be conformed to You.



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