Thought for August 30, 2024

  •  1146: European leaders outlaw the crossbow, intending to end war for all time. 
  • 1905: Ty Cobb  makes his major league debut
  • 1963: Pentagon-Kremlin "hot line" installed
  • 1976: Tom Brokaw becomes news anchor of "The Today Show"
  • Born: Mary Shelley, Huey Long, Shirley Booth, Peggy Lipton, Cameron Diaz, Ted Williams, Andy Roddick, 
  • Died: Vera-Ellen, Charles Bronson, Wes Craven, Mikhail Gorbachev
Reading Mark 14:27-31 this morning. Asking myself how many times I have been like Peter. Have you ever found yourself in a bad situation--sometimes one that just happened, more often a situation that you got yourself into. Finding that you are really in trouble, you decide to pray. You ask Jesus to solve the problem. For me, I first ask to have the problem magically disappear. Then, I pray for some amazing intervention. Then I pray for strength to get through. then I pray that I will not be caught or blamed. But in all the prayers, I promise that I will never let this happen again. I think Jan prayed this once after we tricked her into riding the Outer Limits ride at the amusement park in Cincinnati when Mark and Maria were teens. Lord, if you just get me off this ride, I promise I'll never do this again. 

Jesus tells his disciples that scripture is always true. What the Lord said through Zechariah is true. The Shepherd will be struck down and the sheep will scatter. But here comes Peter--well, that may be true about these other guys, but I will never fall away. You can count on me. They can kill me but I will not scatter or fall away. Think about this scene for a moment. Jesus quotes an Old Testament prophet. Then Jesus Himself says all will scatter. Now that is pretty good authority. I think most of the time we understand that all prophesy is true and that Jesus cannot lie. But Peter says I don't care what the pro[het says, and Jesus You are wrong this once. Have you ever been there? Jesus tells us not to rely on my own strength or my own wisdom and He gives me instruction, but I think I have a better idea, or I am sure I will not fall for Satan's lies. My arrogance, self-confidence, self-reliance, get me in trouble. 

We pick on Peter and he is the object of the story, but notice 14:31. If Peter is Mark's source, Peter wants us to know that he was not the only one who said I will not run away. All the other disciples said the same thing. 

And the Lord reminds me of one other truth this morning. Jesus did not deny His mission, He did not scatter or run away. He did not deny who He is or what He was here to do. He stood fast. Read 31. Jesus knew He was facing the cross and death, but He stood fast. Peter and the others learned something that night, for all except John died martyr's deaths. So for me, the question is am I prepared to die to self today, or when opposition comes or temptations arise, will I run, scatter, give in. Or will I stand fast. 



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