Thought for August 3, 2024

  •  1492: Columbus sails for the New World
  • 1829: Rossini's "William Tell" premiers in Paris
  • 1900: Firestone Tire & Rubber founded
  • 1923: Calvin Coolidge becomes President on death of Warren G Harding
  • 1936: Jesse Owens wins Olympic Gold in 100 meters in front of Adolph Hitler
  • 1943: Patton slaps a GI in the hospital
  • 1948: Satchel Paige debuts with Cleveland at age 42
  • 1975: Superdome dedicated
  • 1984: Mary Lou Retton wins individual all-round Gold, first American to win a gymnastics medal in the Olympics
  • Born: Elisha Otis, John T Scopes,  Martin Sheen, Martha Stewart, Tony Bennett, Tom Brady,  Anne Klein, John Landis, 
  • Died: Joseph Conrad, Carolyn Jones, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, William Fargo, Colette, Flannery O'Connor, Lenny Bruce, Ida Lupino, Bubba Smith, 
Reading Mark 7:1-13 today. Jesus and His disciples have an encounter with the Pharisees. The issue is the traditions of men and the doctrines of God. Reading this calls to my mind whether I am more concerned about traditions than the commandments of God. This makes me ask myself, "what traditions have become doctrine to me?" Am I so entrenched in my worship venue, worship style, worship songs, worship times, that I have made them more important than the word of God? I think about all the things that cause disagreement, dissent, hurt feelings in the church. I have to examine my own thoughts and attitudes and ask the Lord to help me keep myself focused on the important things.

This morning I am going to list some traditions that I really like at the church--no, I will not include them here because I want you to list down yours. Then I want to look at the list and ask which ones are for my comfort and convenience and which ones really help us reach more people with the gospel. Now there is nothing wrong with traditions, but when they inhibit our ability to reach the lost and minister to those in need, I need to rethink my priorities. Scripture says don't let anyone condemn you over the food you eat or the clothes you wear, but then I have an issue if people don't dress a certain way for church. Are my traditions creating barriers? Are my traditions limiting presenting the gospel. I am convinced that if you asked me who I was in this passage, I would quickly say, one of the disciples eating grain in violation of tradition. But I wonder if I might not be the Pharisee. Lord, help me be willing to move on from traditions when You need me to. 



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