Thought for August 2, 2024

  • 1610: Discovery of Hudson Bay--Henry Hudson
  •  1776: Formal signing of Declaration of Independence by 56 people
  • 1790 First census
  • 1865: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" published by Lewis Carroll
  • 1934: Hitler becomes commander of German armed forces
  • 1943: PT-109 sinks 
  • 1964: Gulf of Tonkin incident--North Vietnam fires on USS Maddox
  • 1985: Delta flight crashes at Dallas--137 die
  • 2017: Bitcoin Cash created
  • Born: Pierre L'Enfant, Frederic Bartholdi, Myrna Loy, Carroll O'Connor, Peter O'Toole, Wes Craven, Mary Louise Parker, Billy Cannon, 
  • Died: Horace Mann, Wild Bill Hickok, Enrico Caruso, Alexander Graham Bell, Warren G Harding, Paul von Hindenburg,
Yesterday, we read Mark's account of the feeding 5,000. [6:33-44] Now look at 6:52. The apostles had not gained any insight from 5 loaves, but their hearts were hardened. This really hit me. I wonder if Jesus looks at me and says--I have revealed myself to you, I have provided, protected, sustained. I have allowed you to see miracles, read scripture, hear My voice, and yet you have gained no insight. 

Now, read with me the story between 6:44 and 6:52. Jesus has fed 10,000+ with 5 loaves and 2 small fish. They have heard His teaching and seen His miracles. Now it was dark. They were in a boat on the sea rowing against a wind. Here comes Jesus walking on the waves. They thought it was a ghost and cried out. Hearing their cries, Jesus speaks--"Take courage. It is I, do not be afraid." He gets in the boat and the wind calms. And they are greatly astonished. 

Have you ever wondered what is was that astonished them?
  • Was it Jesus walking on the water?
  • Was it Jesus calming the wind?
  • Was it what Jesus said--don't be afraid in a storm in the middle of the night. 
Had they forgotten about the loaves? Had they forgotten about being sent out with nothing and casting out demons and healing people in Jesus name? Have you ever prayed for something and Jesus answers and your reaction is "this is unbelievable." We act surprised that Jesus has responded with a blessing, a miracle, a gift of love and grace. 

Well, what am I taking with me today from this story? Jesus sent the disciples in the boat across the lake at night. Sometimes Jesus sends us on a mission that is tough. The wind seems to always be against us. No matter how hard we try [row] we don't seem to be making progress. But notice--Jesus saw them in the dark, fighting the wind. Jesus knows what I am struggling with. He knows what is keeping me from getting to my goal. But I need to remember that He sent me and He sees me. Second, Jesus loves me enough to stop where He is going, hear my cries and come to me. Verse 48 says He was intending to walk on by, get to the other shore and be there ahead of them. But hearing their cries, seeing their fear, Jesus stops and comes to them. That give me hope. That encourages me. Jesus will stop and come to me when I am in the dark, struggling. Third, when Jesus gets in the boat, everything is fine. I may be confused, struggling in the dark. I may be tired reaching exhaustion. Everything may seem to be against me and I am making no progress. BUT, when Jesus gets in the boat, all fear is gone. 



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