Thought for June 8, 2024
- 65: Jews in Jerusalem revolt capturing Fortress of Antonia
- 452: Attila the Hun invades Italy
- 1786: Commercially made ice cream first advertised
- 1824: Washing machine patented
- 1861: Tennessee votes to secede
- 1869: Vacuum cleaner patented
- 1896: First auto theft--Peugeot in Paris
- 1920: Edd Rush ejected for falling asleep in center field during an extended argument in the infield
- 1953: 113 killed by tornado in Flint MI
- 1958: Mickey Wright wins first of thirteen major LPGA titles
- 2020: Kathy Sullivan [1st woman to walk in space] is first woman to reach deepest point in the ocean--Marianas Trench
- Born: Robert Schumann, Frank Lloyd Wright, Francus Crick [DNA double helix], Byron White, Robert Preston, LeRoy Neiman, Barbara Bush, Joan Rivers, Nancy Sinatra, William Calley [My Lai], Julianna Margulies, Kayne West
- Died: Mohammad [approximate date], Thomas Paine, Andrew Jackson, Cochise, Satchel Paige, Anthony Bourdain, Bonnie Pointer
Today is National Best Friends Day. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
The words to this great hymn were written by Joseph Scriven. Around 1835, Joseph was engaged to be married. The day before his wedding, his fiancee drowned. Leaving his mother in Dublin, he sailed to Canada . Ten years later, he received word that his mother was in a crisis. He sat down and wrote a poem and sent it to her--"What a Friend We Have in Jesus." His mother must have given a copy to a friend because it was published anonymously and became a favorite hymn in Ireland. Joseph fell in love and intended to marry Eliza Roche, but she got TB and died before they could wed. In his sorrow, he committed himself to service in and around Port Hope Canada. He preached, took care of widows, and gave away his belongings to help others, never knowing that his poem was a popular hymn. When he became ill, a neighbor found a manuscript of the hymn in his house. When asked about the hymn, Joseph said, "The Lord and I did it between us.' He died in 1896.
Today, on National Friends Day think about the words to this hymn. What a friend we have in Jesus
- He bears all our griefs.
- He paid for all our sins.
- He welcomes our prayers and gives us peace..
- In the middle of trials, troubles and temptations, He is the source of strength and encouragement. Don't be discouraged, pray.
- He is faithful to share every sorrow.
- He loves us even knowing our every weakness.
- He is our refuge and invites us to bring our burdened souls to His throne of grace.
- When all our other friends forsake us, He will take us in His arms and provide the solace, the hope, the love that we need.
What a friend we have in Jesus?
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