Thought for June 17, 2024

  •  1856: First Republican Party Convention
  • 1863: Traveler's Insurance founded
  • 1894: First polio epidemic--Rutland VT
  • 1947: Pan Am chartered
  • 1950: First kidney transplant
  • 1956: Jerry Falwell founds Thomas Road Baptist Church
  • 1962: Jack Nicholas wins first major--US Open
  • 1963: Supreme Court prohibits Bible reading in public schools
  • 1994: Great Ford Bronco chase--OJ Simpson
  • 2008: First day of legal same-sex marriage in California
  • 2015: 9 people shot at Emanuel AME Church, Charleston
  • Born: Igor Stravinsky, Ralph Bellamy, Crazy Legs Hirsch, Newt Gingrich, Barry Manilow, Greg Kinnear, Dan Jansen [Olympic Gold in 3 Olympics], Venus Williams, 
  • Died: Kate Smith, Rodney King, Gloria Vanderbilt
I have reached Psalm 119. This is a psalm of praise for God's word--ordinances, statutes, commandments, precepts, testimonies, law. When I think about laws, I think about restrictions on my freedom, things I cannot do or things I must do. Think about all the traffic ordinances, the zoning laws. Think about statutes that tell me who I cannot discriminate against, how much tax I have to pay. Now look at verse 1 of Psalm 119. There is blessing in obeying God's law. His law is intended as a blessing to direct and guide our paths onto His path. For on His path, we are blameless. When I consider these 176 verses [22 groups of 8 verses],  I divide them into three thoughts. Think about using this outline to meditate on a verse. For example, because God’s word is true, I will ask Him to keep in in my mind and promise that I will keep it.
  • Because the word of God is ________________
  • I will ask God to ____________________
  • I promise I will _____________________
 One other note, for this purpose, I often substitute "Jesus" for "word".  For example, verses 89, 98, 152 and 160 tell me that the word of God is eternal, everlasting. Other scripture tells me that the world will pass away but the word of God endures forever. I can say the same thing about Jesus--He will never leave me or forsake me. He is eternal and His love endures forever. 

Today, the foundation for me is the word of God. Because the word of God has certain attributes it requires me to act--to ask God for help in understanding and obeying His word--to promise God that I will respond to His word. Take a look with me at what Psalm 119 says about the word of God besides being eternal. God's word is [references are to the verse in 119]
  • Unchanging [89]. Just as Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, so is God's word. Because it is unchanging, I can depend upon it, rest upon it, be secure in it.
  • Sweet [103]. For believers, the word of God is sweet--it tastes good, it is not sour or bitter. Scripture says taste the Lord and see that he is good. When I read His word and meditate on it, it brings a sweetness to life. 
  • Light [105, 130]. His word lights our path, draws us from the darkness. Reveals truth, exposes lies. 
  • A lamp [105]. The light is our guide, the lamp is the light for our very next steps. The word provides direction toward our goal of Jesus, the lamp helps us step by step.
  • Wonderful [129]. The word is wonderful and a wonder. It meets me each day exactly where I am. It speaks into my life right where I need it.
  • Trustworthy [138]. Because it is eternal and unchanging, I can trust the word. Because God cannot lie, I can build my life on His promises.
  • Tested [140]. the more I trust the more I find that the word passes the test--true, right, sure, errorless. It has never failed, it has passed every test.
  • Life [93]. The word and the Word are life. Outside the word there is darkness and death. 
  • Preserving [93]. The word protects, preserves and empowers me. By it I am sustained through the valley of the shadow of death.
  • My joy [111], my delight [92, 143], my meditation [97]. As I meditate on the word, my joy rises. As I delight in the word, agree with its truth, delight in its beauty, I have joy and peace beyond measure.
  • My wisdom and insight [98,99]. I go to the word for wisdom and insight and understanding. And when I do not understand, He grants wisdom and allows me to rest in His truth. 
There are other attributes mentioned in Psalm 119, but just thinking about these gives me strength for today and hope for tomorrow. 


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