Thought for June 15

  • 1215: King John signs the Magna Carta
  • 1667: First documented blood transfusion--sheep's blood
  • 1775: Washington named commander of Continental Army
  • 1844: Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber process
  •  1877: Henry Flipper is first West Point Graduate
  • 1907: Mary Mallon identified as typhoid Mary
  • 1911: IBM incorporated
  • 1916: Boy Scouts of America formed
  • 1934: Great Smokey Mountains National Park dedicated
  • 1967: "Dirty Dozen" released
  • 1974: "All the President's Men" published
  • 1983: Supreme Court strikes down state restrictions on abortion
  • 2020: Supreme Court rules gay and transgender people may not be discriminated against in the workplace
  • Born: Rachel Jackson, Waylon Jennings, Mike Holmgren, Wade Boggs, Helen Hunt
  • Died: James K Polk, John Connally, Ella Fitzgerald, 
Still in Psalm 118 this morning. Looking at 118:22-24. Verse 24 is a verse that I try and remember to recite every morning. The verse is written in the imperative tense. Each day I am reminded that God made this day. He did not have to or need to. Jesus could have returned yesterday. And God did not even need to start the calendar by creating the worlds. Today is a gift from God. He made it; He gave us sun and moon to measure it; He filled it with moments that will not repeat themselves; He planned opportunities for us to love, grow and serve Him; He knew how this day would fit with all the others He created and will create. This is the day the Lord has made. He made it for me and you and He made it from grace and mercy because it allows another day for those who are lost to accept His perfect gift, Jesus. 

The Walter Cronkite series from my grammar and high school days was "You Are There," a history series which recreated certain events from history. "This is a day like all days, filled with those events that alter and illuminate our times. And you are there." But today, June 15, 2024, is not a day like all days--it is today. It is the day the Lord has made for us to serve and enjoy. He tells us to invest our time, not spend our time. So for me the question will be how I view my day at bedtime tonight and does my view match His. Did I spend a lot of minutes or invest them?

Why am I to rejoice in today? Look at 118:22-23. Jesus, the rejected stone, has become the cornerstone. I rejoice. Man may have rejected Him, but God has placed Him as the foundation stone. The cornerstone must be perfect and perfectly laid because it becomes the measuring line, the plumb line for building the structure. The vertical precision in the building is based upon the cornerstone--so my relationship with the Father is to be aligned with Jesus' relationship with the Father. And the cornerstone aligns my relationship with others--so I work to match my love for others with the love that Jesus has for them. The cornerstone is key. And because Jesus is that cornerstone, I rejoice in the day the Lord has made. 

Lord, this is the day you made for a purpose--help us be faithful instruments available to You as you work out Your plan for today.



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