Thought for May 2, 2024

  • 1936: "Peter and the Wolf" premiers in Moscow 
  • 1945: Battle of Berlin ends
  • 1949:Arthur Miller wins Pulitzer for "Death of a Salesman"
  • 2008: "Iron Man" released
  • 2011: Osama bin Laden killed by Special Forces
  • Born: The Red Baron, Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham
  • Died: Leonardo da Vinci, Joseph McCarthy, J Edgar Hoover, 
Proverbs 12 and 13 begin with similar thoughts:
  • 12:1--Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.
  • 13:1--A wise son accepts his father's discipline, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.
  • 3:12-- For whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father, the son in whom he delights.
Think about these proverbs with me today. 

I should love discipline. Why? Because it shows me God loves me. God cares about what I am doing and who I am becoming. He wants me to look like Him. Discipline is one of the ways in which the Father teaches me His ways--through discipline I learn and understand what He loves, values. Though discipline I gain wisdom for I get to know God and His character.  Now go back and think about yourself as a child and yourself as a parent. How did you view discipline then?

As a child I may have accepted discipline but I can't recall loving discipline. As I grew up, I began to see the rewards of discipline---as I conformed to the discipline of my parents, they were proud of me, and that became a great reward. Then I could learn to translate that to my relationship with the Father--discipline led to conformity with His will and that brought His blessing. Perhaps sports was the best teacher of this for me. Repeating over and over a play, a pass, a shot, a swing until I did it perfectly according to the coach was hard--but when discipline produced results and the smile of the coach, that was a great reward. 

These proverbs also remind me that if I refuse the discipline of someone who loves me, I am stupid. The parent, coach or Father has my good in mind and a goal of helping me conform to their standards. It would be stupid not to listen to them, mind them, accept their correction. Yet, I can recall so many times when I wanted to do it my way. Sometimes, I thought I had a better idea, sometimes I thought what I heard from friends and others was better advice, sometimes I just wanted to do it my way. And almost always, my way wasn't the best way. 

I wish I could report that today I love discipline, correction, rebuke, admonition--but most of the time I resist, reject, rebel. And the results have not changed--His way is always best. Lord, help me learn that Your way always leads me closer to You, always brings a smile to Your face and glory to Your name. And my way may look good, but doesn't end well. Help me love the discipline of the Lord.



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