Thought for May 18, 2024

  • 332: Constantine institutes free daily bread rations in Constantinople 
  • 1804: Napoleon declared emperor by French Senate
  • 1974: India is sixth country to explode an atomic bomb
  • 1980: Mt. Saint Helens erupts--57 killed
  • Born: Frank Capra, Fred Perry, John Paul II, Brooks Robinson, Reggie Jackson
  • Died: Gustav Mahler, Ernie Davis, Jeannette Rankin, Elizabeth Montgomery, Jim Brown
Looking at one verse this morning--Psalm 29:9--"in His temple, everything says, 'glory.'" If we read back through 29:3-9, David writes about the voice of the Lord. Take a look at these verses. David says the voice of the Lord does some amazing things. Notice the picture of thunder and lightening:
  • His voice speaks in power [29:4]
  • His voice is majestic [29:4]
  • His voice breaks down even the strongest enemies--Lebanon. Like lightening and wind snapping large trees, His voice breaks the power of the enemies on earth and the power of sin. [29:5]
  • His voice causes joy, give hope, calls for celebration of victory.[29:6]
  • His voice is like a consuming fire, purifying the gold and burning the dross. [29:7]
  • His voice shakes the earth. [29:8]
  • His voice brings new life. [29:9]
These verses remind me that it was the voice of the Lord that created everything--He spoke and it was. His word became flesh and dwelt among us. His voice guides and directs us, calls us to Him. And verse 10 reminds us that His voice will never stop speaking--He called forth the flood with His voice and sits as King forever. 

Now back to verse 9--in His temple, everything says glory. We may experience this on Sunday when we gather to sing praises. In heaven everything says glory. On earth, we are the temple of God--does everything in my life shout glory to Jesus. Does everything in my life reflect His glory. Scripture says that if I fail to reflect and shout His glory with my life, the rocks will cry out His glory, donkeys will speak His glory. All nature sings His glory. The question for me today, am I joining the everlasting chorus singing His glory.



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