Thought for December 29, 2023

  •  1170: Assassination of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
  • 1835: Treaty of New Echota begins the Trail of Tears
  • 1848: Gas lights installed at the White House
  • 1851: First American YMCA
  • 1862: Bowling ball invented
  • 1890: Massacre at Wounded Knee
  • 1891: Edison patents radio
  • 1952: First transistorized hearing aid offered for sale
  • 1970: OSHA becomes law
  • 1972: Eastern Airlines jet crashes in the Everglades killing 101
  • 1972: Life Magazine ceases publication
  • 1982: Bear Bryant coaches his last game
  • Born: Charles MacIntosh [waterproof fabric--Macs], Charles Goodyear, Andrew Johnson, Pablo Casals, Billy Mitchell, PeteDye, Mary Tyler Moore, Jon Voight, Wayne Huizenga [Blockbuster, Waste Management, Dolphins], Jude Law, 
  • Died: Philip Bliss, Thomas Welch [grape juice], Rasputin, Euell Gibbons [Grape Nuts], John Portman [architect]
Some of you became disturbed yesterday when I listed Dick Van Dyke among those who died on December 28. Dick is very much alive. I intended yo say that Rose Marie was on the Dick Van Dyke Show, but had a lapse. Sorry

Yesterday the question was what do I really value. What is my real priority in life? Philippians 3:9 tells me something very important. If I want to be found in Him, there is only one way to do that. First think for a moment about what it means to be found in Him. The word "found" here may have several meanings:
  • It could mean I want to be located, dwell, be discovered fully in Christ. When God the Father looks for me, I want Him to find me fully clothed in Jesus.
  • It could mean I want to be attached to Jesus. To found can mean to start, like starting or beginning a company. So I want to be new, started afresh, born again in Jesus.
  • It could be found like a foundry. I want to be melted and molded into conformity with Christ. Potter and clay.
  • If could be related to foundation--I want to be found in Christ, attached to the firm foundation, the Rock. 
In any event my goal in life is to be attached permanently to Jesus, to be fully occupied by Jesus, to be fully clothed with Jesus, to be conformed to the image of Jesus. So how does that happen--by faith alone. 

Faith is the proof of things not seen. My actions, my words, my attitude should give proof of the faith which cannot be seen. Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because the only way to please God is to be perfect--and I cannot do that but I can accept the perfection that comes from Jesus--not a righteousness of my own, but clothed in His righteousness. Paul tells the Romans to be transformed by the renewing of their minds so they can proof the perfect will of God [Romans 12;1-2] My goal for 2024 is to exercise faith, trust His promises, obey His commands and thereby demonstrate to the world the perfect will of God. 

Yesterday my goals for 2024 were to rejoice and be a reservoir of joy and to be careful not to be deceived by the flesh. Today, I will do that by being found in Christ by faith alone. 



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