Thought for November 8, 2023

  •  392: Theodosius makes Christianity the Roman state religion
  • 1519: First meeting of Montezuma and Cortes
  • 1701: William Penn presents the Charter of Privileges--religious freedom in Pennsylvania
  • 1895: Rontgen produces and detects x-rays
  • 1966: Ronald Reagan elected Governor of California
  • 2016: Donald Trump elected President
  • Born: Vlad the Impaler, Edmund Halley, Bram Stoker, Margaret Mitchell, 
  • Died: John Milton, Doc Holiday, Alex Trebek
John Milton died on this date--he wrote "Paradise Lost." Perhaps he is now celebrating paradise gained like the thief on the cross.

Yesterday I was contemplating 1 John 3:1 and the love of God that allows us to be called children of God. I want to act like my Father, think like my Father, love like my Father--but I sure miss the mark a lot. 1 John 3:2 gives me a promise and encouragement. I underlined this verse in blue in my Bible.

We have His precious promises. We know we are being refined and sanctified for His service. But so far, we have not been fully conformed to His image. But look at this verse. What amazing and wonderful news.

When Jesus appears
  • We shall be like Him! Our perishable bodies will be raised imperishable--made for eternity. No parts that fail or wear out. Raised in glory--invited and empowered by Jesus to share in His eternal and everlasting glory. Raised in power--the same power that raised Jesus from death and the grave will power us. Raised a spiritual body no longer bound by the flesh. Raised in the image of the heavenly--a heavenly body for our new dwelling place. [1 Corinthians 15:42-44]
  • We shall see Him just as He is! Now we see through the glass dimly, but then face to face. I shall know and experience Him fully, just as He knows me fully--my thoughts and ways conformed to His. 1 Corinthians 13: 12
How great is the love of God? In Christ He will transform the sinner into the image of His Son. For He who knew no sin became sin so that I could become the righteousness of God!

John Milton wrote "Paradise Lost." But he als wrote "Paradise Regained." Sin drove man from the perfect garden--when Jesus comes our paradise will be regained through His blood. This truth should inspire, encourage and motivate me today.



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