Thought for October 9, 2023
- 768: Charlemagne crowned King of the Franks
- 1000: Leif Ericson discovers Vinland
- 1635: Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts; founds Rhode Island
- 1701: Collegiate School of Connecticut founded [Yale University]
- 1888: Washington Monument opens to the public
- 1915: Woodrow Wilson is first President to attend World Series
- 1941: FDR approves project that would become the Manhattan Project
- 1969: Supremes release "Someday, We'll Be Together"
- 1986: "Phantom of the Opera" premiers in London
- 1997: Dean Smith retires from UNC
- Born: Mary Ann Shadd Cary [first black newspaper publisher], Aimee Simple McPherson, John Lennon, Bill Lee [TN Governor], Annika Sorenstam
- Died: Che Guevara, Oskar Schindler, Aileen Wourmos [seriel killer]
Reading James 4:1-4. Have you ever thought about what causes conflicts and quarrels? Have you pondered the things that cause you internal conflicts--arguing with yourself about what to say, do, be? Ever feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other and you are in the middle? In chapter 4, James first talks about the causes of our conflicts--internal and external--and then gives a series of commands designed to overcome these conflicts. Today, the causes:
- The source of the problem is my pleasures. I find myself in conflict with myself and with others because of my seeking for pleasures. The scripture tells us that the sources of sin are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. At their most basic, these are the attitudes and motives that create conflict. It is what happened in the Garden, and it will happen today at my house.
- Conflicts come when I focus on what I do not have [4:2]. When I think about what I don't have and what you have--comparison becomes the enemy of contentment. So I envy, covet, feel jealous. I fall prey to Satan telling me I deserve it more than you, I earned it more than you, I am entitled to it. Verse 2 says the result is murder. Well, I don't recall killing anyone--then He speaks--did you ever talk ugly about someone that you envied, whose position you envied, whose wealth you envied? James doesn't mention that envy and jealousy lead to lying, greed, gossip, stealing. At the root, I am focused on what I do not have, rather than thinking and thanking God for all that I do have in Christ. Recall the scripture--think on whatever is good, lovely, worthy.
- Conflicts come because I do not ask rightly and then complain about God or my luck, or my woes. Verse 3 reminds me that when I focus on what I don't have, I end up praying that God will give me those things for the wrong reasons. Rather than asking for more love, more joy, more peace, more patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control, I ask for stuff like your stuff. Takes me back to my childhood and the Sears catalogue. I would spend hours paging through the catalogue making a list of everything I wanted. Then one Christmas, a gas station with an elevator and car lift showed up early at my house--Santa had finally heard. That Sunday we hosted a boy and girl from the Georgia Baptist Children's Home and MY gas station went home with the boy. I was mad, jealous, angry with my parents and Santa. Conflict and quarreling.
- Conflicts come because I try and be friends with the world and friends with Jesus. [4:4] Jesus said we could not serve two masters. Jesus said I must be hot or cold, not lukewarm. Most of my internal conflicts come from trying to be friends with the world.
Lord, forgive me for seeking pleasure rather than Your smile; forgive me for thinking about what I don't have instead of knowing that in You I have an overflowing abundance; forgive me for asking for the wrong things with the wrong motives. In Christ, I have all the riches of God--blessed!
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