Thought for October 6, 2023
- 1536:William Tyndale is strangled and burned for his Protestant views and for translating the Bible into English
- 1871: Fisk Jubilee Singers begin first national tour
- 1889: Moulin Rouge opens in Paris
- 1889: Thomas Edison show his first motion picture.
- 1927: "The Jazz Singer" released--first film with a soundtrack
- 1939: Adolph Hitler announces plans to regulate the Jewish problem
- 1945: Billy Goat Sianis buys a World Series Game 4 seat for himself and his goat. He and goat are ejected and the curse of the goat is placed on the Cubs.
- 1951: Stalin announces that Russia has the atomic bomb
- 1952: "Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie opens in London where it is still playing.
- 1960: "Spartacus" premiers
- 1979: Pope John Paul II is first to visit the White House
- Born: George Westinghouse, Helen Wills Moody [19 tennis Grand Slam Titles], Carole Lombard, Thor Heyerdahl, Tony Dungy, Rebecca Lobo,
- Died: Alfred Lord Tennyson, Walter Hagen, Anwar Sadat, Bette Davis, Eddie Van Halen
James 2:14-26 contains his teaching on faith and works. Above the passage in my Bible I have written that faith in words only is unacceptable, unprovable, unproductive, and unbiblical.
- Unacceptable-To tell a brother or sister who is hungry or homeless, I'm praying for you to be filled and rest in a warm place is unacceptable. You are showing faith in words only. Until faith leads to action, that faith is unacceptable. It is like false worship--going through the motions without a change of heart.
- Unprovable--Unless faith is demonstrated, there is not evidence to support our claim. Works do not save us, for by grace are you saved through faith; but without works, there is no evidence of the internal change. James talks about Abraham and Isaac--they had faith in God, but they put feet to their faith as a demonstration of their faith. I think it was Josh McDowell who asked, "if being a Christian was a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
- Unproductive--faith without works is dead. Faith, real faith, yields fruit--love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control. Isaiah acknowledge that God is God and holy and that he was sinful and impure--but his faith was demonstrated when God asked who will go for Me and Isaiah said, here am I send me.
- Unbiblical--Scripture teaches us that the demons recognize Jesus, they even know their ultimate defeat is coming--so they know about Jesus, but they have no faith in Jesus. Every place you look in the Bible confession of faith is connected to action on that faith--James cites Abraham, Isaac, Rahab. Faith produces works, inspires works, empowers works, preserves works.
Today, how is my evidence of faith. Does my faith show in my attitude, my words, my service, my sacrifice? If not, perhaps I need to check on my faith.
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