Thought for October 23, 2023
- 1091: Tornado hits London destroying wooden London Bridge
- 1941: "Dumbo" released
- 1981: U.S. National debt hits $1 trillion
- Born: Johnny Carson, Pele, Ryan Reynolds, Weird Al Yankovic
- Died: Brutus, W.G. Grace, Al Jolson, Christian Dior, Maybelle Carter,
Yesterday I only got through 1 Peter 3:15. Today I am reading verse 16. Recall that Peter starts by telling the readers who are suffering for righteousness sake not to fear or be troubled. [3:14] When we think we are doing right and yet suffer for it, we may hear someone whispering that God must be punishing us. Or we may doubt that God knows what's happening in our lives. Or we may simply ask why? Peter has given some advice about how to handle these situations:
- Set apart Christ as Lord in your heart.
- Be ready for the opportunity to share why you have hope in the face of suffering.
Now he adds, keep a good conscience. Why? It will put the enemy to shame. Satan and those that persecute or slander you will ultimately be put to shame in the face of your Godly response to suffering. Think for just a moment about the soldier at the cross who witnesses Jesus' suffering--scorned, rejected, mocked, beaten, crucified--yet "Father forgive them." Yet, "into Thy hands I commit My spirit." Yet, "today you will be with Me in Paradise." And the soldier's response--truly this man was the Son of God. When we suffer we have opportunity to witness and give proof of our confession that Jesus is Lord.
Now think for a moment about your conscience. The Bible says some things about your conscience.
- Titus 1:15--speaks of a defiled or corrupted conscience. An unbelieving conscience that believes and reflects unsound doctrine [Titus 1:10-14] The conscience that is supposed to respond to the Spirit's guiding and voice cannot do so because it has accepted false teachings and doctrines. So for a clear conscience, make sure you hold fast to Biblical truth and know the word.
- 1 Timothy 4:2 speaks of a seared conscience. Think about cooking a steak. You sear it on the outside so that the juices will not flow. Those with seared consciences have hardened themselves and will not allow the juice of the Spirit to flow from them. Again here, Paul speaks of listening to false doctrines that sear your conscience and restrict your ability to allow the grace of God flow through you.
- Hebrews 10:22 mentions an evil or guilty conscience that impedes your ability to draw near to the throne of God. We are all familiar with this. Unconfessed and repented sin forms a barrier to our communication with the Father.
I think Peter adds the command to keep a good/clear conscience because he knows that a corrupted conscience, a seared conscience or a guilty conscience makes it impossible to face suffering with faith and hope and to be ready to bear witness of the Christ who we serve. Lord, this morning show me anything that impedes my relationship with You--I want to have a clear conscience so I can hear clearly and obey joyfully.
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