Thought for October 11, 2023
- 1138: Earthquake in Aleppo Syria kills an estimated 230,000
- 1883: Railroads in the US and Canada agree to use 5 time zones
- 1890: Daughters of the American Revolution founded
- 1922: First female FBI agent--Alaska Davidson
- 1929: JC Penney opens a store in Delaware giving it a store in all 48 states
- 1939: Einstein tells FDR about the possibility of an atomic bomb
- 1975: "Saturday Night Live" premiers
- Born: Eleanor Roosevelt, George Williams [founded YMCA], HJ Heinz [food], Fred Trump [father of Donald], Daryl Hall [Hall & Oates], Steve Young, Luke Perry, Michelle Wie,
- Died: Meriwether Lewis, Angela Lansbury, Huldrych Zwingli [Reformation leader, saw his church and statue in Zurich], Joe Morgan,
I have underlined James 4:17 and placed marks beside it in my Bible, Why? This is such a profound and simple statement of sin. Recall that this chapter began with the question about what causes conflicts and quarrels. The chapter ends with this statement. "To one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, it is sin." In my translation, these words are preceded by "therefore." So what does this say to me:
- Almost all the time, I know the right thing to do or refrain from doing. And if I have followed James exhortations in chapter 4, I know what is right. Why?
- Because, I have understood that my conflicts come from seeking my pleasure--not His glory.
- Because I know that trying to be friends with the world makes me an enemy of God.
- Because I know that God's grace is sufficient for every need.
- Because I have drawn near to God and He has drawn near to me.
- Because yielding to His Spirit guides me into all righteousness.
- My problem is not knowing what is right, it is doing what is right. Paul experienced this--the things I want to do, I don't, and the very things I hate to do, I do.
This verse makes it so simple--if I know the right thing and don't do it--sin. But then the Lord speaks to me. So when I hear the Lord's call to service and ignore it--sin. When I hear the Lord's call to be generous and ignore it--sin. When I hear the Lord's voice to forgive someone and ignore it--sin. When my worldly lusts and cravings tempt me and I do not resist, run, call on the power of the Spirit--sin. The simple just got difficult. Lord, help me to place my "yes" on the table, so that whenever You call, I say yes Lord. And when temptation comes and I know it, help me to reject, resist, flee in Your strength.
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