Thought for September 6, 2023

  •  1666: Great Fire of London extinguished
  • 1901: President McKinley shot 
  • 1913: First airplane to do a loop the loop
  • 1914: First Battle of the Marne begins
  • 1916: First true supermarket opens in Memphis--Piggly Wiggly
  • Born: Marquis de Lafayette, Jane Curtin
  • Died: Margaret Sanger, Luciano Pavarotti, Burt Reynolds, 
Thinking back on the calling of an older man from yesterday, I keep asking "how do you do that?" Fortunately, Paul answers the "how" for all those listed in the first 10 verses of Titus 2 in 2:11-14. 

I cannot be the older man described in 2:2 in my own strength, my own wisdom, my own knowledge. But here Paul reminds us that the good news is that Christ has revealed Himself to us, bringing salvation to all [2:11]. Look at what Paul says about Jesus:
  • Jesus gave us the instructions for avoiding and denying ungodliness and worldly desires. He exampled dying to self and allowing the Spirit of God to reign in His life. He taught us to flee evil, to speak truth. 
  • Jesus gave us instruction on how to live sensibly, righteously and godly in this age. He lived the perfect life as an example to us. He taught us truths that direct us to godly living. He was the Master Teacher.
  • Jesus focused us on His return--He spoke honestly and directly about the coming times of evil, but He promised us,  those without hope, that in Him we had the hope of eternal live, a hope that would not disappoint. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross. Now for the joy set before us [redemption, adoption, joint-heirs with Christ, a heavenly home for eternity], we endure with patience and courage. 
  • Jesus is transforming us into a people for whom good deeds is a natural lifestyle. As we become like Him, we live like Him, think like Him, react like Him, love like Him, forgive like Him. 
When God calls us, He always provides everything we need to answer that calling except our "yes." In Christ, he provided all we need to live the lives He has called us to live. We just need to say yes.



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