Thought for September 5, 2023

  •  1666: Great Fire of London--13,200 houses destroyed
  • 1889: First modern bra patented
  • 1972: 11 Israeli athletes taken hostage and later killed by Black September during Munich Olympics
  • 2017: Hurricane Irma becomes most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic--185 mph
  • 2019: Woman in India gives birth to twins at age 74. 
  • Born: Louis XIV, Jesse James, Raquel Welch, Freddie Mercury, Bob Newhart, Michael Keaton
  • Died: Suleiman the Magnificent, Crazy Horse, Mother Teresa
In Titus chapter 2, Paul describes the appropriate conduct for a series of people--older men, older women, young men, young women, slaves. I happen to fit into one of those categories, so my attention today is on older men. Some of you fit other categories and perhaps should look at what Paul says to those people. The word for "old men" in the Greek was applied to men as young as 50, so most of the men reading this are like me--older men.

Older men are to be:
  • Temperate--sober, free of intoxicants. The point is to keep yourself clear of mind--fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith. Not intoxicated by the flesh, the world, the devil. Older men are to avoid overindulgence and extravagance. Think about that--we have reached an age where people tell us to enjoy ourselves--you have worked hard and earned the "right" to splurge. You may have reached retirement and have lots of free time--idleness leads to temptation and excess. Makes me consider how much time I waste watching TV, sports, movies. We are to be clearheaded at all times, not daydreaming. This passage hits me because I often think I can indulge in any food I want to because I have reached a certain age. 
  • Dignified--someone worthy of respect, honorable. I live in light of eternity; I grasp my mortality; I understand that my days are numbered and I should invest them not squander them. 
  • Sensible--The original word had the meaning of acting like someone with a "saved mind." I put on the helmet of salvation. I seek to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I know how to put on the brakes and halt my wayward thoughts and desires. The word used for sensible is "sophron." The last half of the word is from "phren" which means brakes. I have a mind that is under control--the Holy Spirit controls. I know when to put on the brakes with my tongue.
  • Sound in faith, love and perseverance.  Here I am to be "sound." We sometimes use that word to talk about horses that are sound or arguments that are sound. We mean they are whole, complete, healthy. So here, I need to be whole, healthy and complete in my faith, love and endurance. 
    • I am to be sound in THE faith. I understand the doctrine. I am prepared to share the doctrine or to correct unsound doctrine.
    • I am sound in love--I understand what it means to love and be loved. I understand that love is not a word but an action--a demonstration. So I know that you can't just say you love without demonstrating your love. 
    • I am sound in endurance of perseverance under affliction, ordeal, persecution. I maintain my faith and hope and love despite any adversity--I don't allow failing health to kill my joy or upset my peace. 
WOW! I have a lot of work to do. Lord, help me to be the older man you have called me to be in the power of Your Holy Spirit. 


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