Thought for September 28, 2023
- 935: Saint Wenceslas murdered by his brother
- 1781: Siege of Yorktown begins
- 1889: First meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures. A meter is defined as the distance between two lines on a standard bar of alloy of platinum with 10% iridium measured at the melting point of ice--Use it all the time.
- 1968: "Hey Jude" goes #1
- Born: Ed Sullivan, Alice Marble, Tom Harmon, Brigette Bardot
- Died: Edwin Hubble, Ferdinand Marcos, Miles Davis, Pierre Trudeau,
Thought: From Lausanne Switzerland
Finishing Hebrews 13 this morning. Two last instructions on living in faith.
- 13:17--Obey and submit to your leaders. The under-shepherds keep watch over you. They have been called by God and are responsible to Him for the flock. We read that teachers have a higher standard---they are in a position to mislead or misdirect. This is not blind obedience for we are responsible to discern and avoid strange teachings. But it is living in submission to leadership. When we don't live in submission, this verse says we deprive the leaders of joy and cause them grief.
- 13:18--The writer ends with prayer. Pray for us. Pray for me. He has just written that we are to obey and submit to our leaders and that when we do not, they experience grief. So now he asks for them to pray for him as leader. He says his conscience is clear, he has tried to do his best in writing, but covets their prayers. As we pray for our leaders, they are impacted and in turn our obedience and submission may be encouraged.
Now notice that after encouraging obedience and submission to leaders, the writer prays for the recipients-Lord please equip the saints to do Your will for Your glory forever. What a prayer! I will make it mine for today--Lord, equip me to do Your will for Your glory forever. Amen!.
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