Thought for September 20, 2023

  •  622: Muhammed arrives in Medina
  • 1519: Magellan begins the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe
  • 1973: Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs
  • 1984: "The Cosby Show" premiers
  • 1990: East and West Germany ratify reunification
  • Born: Upton Sinclair, Red Auerbach, Sophia Loren
  • Died: Jacob Grimm, Fiorello LaGuardia, Jean Sibelius, Jim Croce
Thought: From Innsbruck Austria

Reading Hebrews 11:7 today--the faith of Noah. We all know the story. Man rebelled against God to such an extent that God was sorry He had made man [Genesis 6:7]. BUT Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Have you ever considered the importance of that BUT. Without that BUT, mankind would have been totally destroyed--no Larry. This reminds me of the importance of one life dedicated to the Lord. Sometimes we may think our lives are insignificant, our accomplishments meaningless. BUT if we find favor with God, our lives have meaning and purpose and impact that we may never know about or realize--but God uses our lives for His kingdom and His glory.

Why did Noah find favor with God? I ought to look at this because I want to find favor with God. Genesis 6:9 says Noah was righteous, blameless, and walked with God. This is before he built the ark. He was righteous--He tried to do things God's way. His right and wrong were based on what God said. How did Noah know what was right--no Law had been written, no rules had been laid down. Maybe He was like Enoch--he simply believed that there was a God and walked with Him, sought Him, listened to Him. I sometimes make walking with God so difficult, so complicated--so many things to do and not do. Maybe all I need to do is take His hand, listen to His voice and walk. When a parent says to a child, take my hand and walk with me, what happens---the child goes where the parent goes, the child listens to the parent and talks to the parent. The child feels secure and safe holding that hand. Maybe that's what Enoch and Noah did and maybe its a good idea for me. 

Now look back at Hebrews 11. God warned Noah about things not yet seen and Noah responded by preparing for that unseen event. God has warned us about an event not yet seen. Our job is to warn others and prepare ourselves for that event.  I need to work on that today.



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