Thought for September 13, 2023

 Coming to you from Vienna Austria

  • 335: Church of the Holy Sepulcher consecrated
  • 1224: Francis of Assisi afflicted with stigmata after praying
  • 1501: Michelangelo begins work on Statue of David
  • 1845: Michael Faraday discovers the Faraday Effect--influence of magnetic field on polarized light
  • 1847: U.S. captures Mexico City in American-Mexican War
  • 1965: The Beatles release "Yesterday"
  • 1969: "Scooby Doo" debuts. 
  • Born: Daniel Defoe, John Pershing, Claudette Colbert, Roald Dahl
  • Died: Titus [who sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD], Ambrose Burnside, Tupac Shakur, George Wallace
Reading Hebrews 5:11-14 today. This passage hits home to me. 
  • Have I become dull of hearing? Has familiarity with God's word made my senses dull, my hearing impaired. Has sound preaching become background noise? Does my mind wander when I should be listening? Do I hear the words, but never accept them into my heart and mind? What does it take to stir my soul, move me to action, cause me to change? I am sure pastors get tired of preaching the word, receiving words of encouragement and praise---but seeing no change, no fire, no action. Lord, do I need my ears cleaned?
  • Am I still surviving on milk rather than growing on solid food? Is my prayer life the same as ten years ago? Am I still dealing with those same issues that have plagued me since childhood? Or have I matured in the faith, assumed more challenging opportunities? Gotten bolder is my witness? 
  • Have I practiced my faith enough to have a discerning heart? I have told you before that in college, my roommate and I created a motto for our room--"Practice makes perfect, but who is perfect, so why practice." In sports, we say teams play the way they practice. Have I exercised my faith--trusted God in the small things so that I grow to trust Him in everything? Have I exercised my faith---accepting small assignments and opportunities so that I am ready for more difficult assignments when they arise. Paul addressed this same issue in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3--He asks, "are you still walking like mere men?" Or have you matured into the likeness of the Son. My sister says I act more like my father each year--but do I act more like my Father each year?
The Lord is asking me about my diet today--just milk or solid food?



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