Thought for August 31, 2023

  • 1864: Battle of Jonesboro GA
  •  1881: First U.S. men's singles tennis championships
  • 1888: Body of first victim of Jack the Ripper discovered--Mary Ann Nichol
  • 1925: Margaret Meade arrives on Samoa
  • 1946: Foghorn Leghorn premiers in "Walky Talky Hawky"
  • 1965: Department of Housing and Urban Development established
  • 1972: Olga Korbut wins Olympic Gold in beam and floor exercise
  • 1997: Princess Diana dies
  • 1997: Titans play first game in Tennessee--Liberty Bowl
  • Born: Caligula, Maria Montessori, Alan Lerner, Itzak Perlman, Richard Gere, Larry Fitzgerald
  • Died: Rocky Marciano, John Ford
Yesterday we looked at the Word, scripture, the Bible. In chapter 4 of Second Timothy, Paul gives a rapid fire charge to Timothy. With the Bible as the instruction book, the Spirit as the guide and teacher, get busy working. Sometimes I get this out of order--begin working before reading the scripture and listening to the Spirit. I need t0 make sure to do it in the right way. In 4:1-8, Paul urges Timothy to
  • Preach the word--some are called as preachers like Timothy, but for most of us our sermon is written in our words, actions and attitudes. Does my life preach a sermon of love, joy and peace to those I encounter? Does my life give a sermon on gentleness, kindness, self-control? It has been said that our lives may be the only Bible some people ever read----is it an accurate presentation of the Word. 
  • Be ready--Why? Because there will be opportunities to preach, witness, love, comfort, teach. Scripture says always be ready to give an account of the hope that lies within you. My Dad was always ready to go fishing--rods and reels in his trunk, lures and hooks in their tackle box. Most of the time even some fishing clothes that he could change into. Are you always ready for the divine appointment--does where you are and what you are doing indicate that you are ready? Or are you in a place or doing something that would make it difficult to shift to a gospel conversation. 
  • Reprove, rebuke and exhort. This is a picture of how we approach someone, including our children, about a sin/error in their life. We reprove--point out that they missed the mark. Then we rebuke--a more pointed correction urging change. then exhortation--more ardent urging to turn to the Light. But notice that Paul quickly says--do it all with great patience and instruction. It may take time, it may take more than one reproof, it may require instructing over and over again--but we do it gently and lovingly. Think of how many times your parents or coaches had to correct, reprove, instruct you.
  • Be sober. Keep your senses, Pay attention. Don't get distracted. This is an important job. We will get tired, frustrated, aggravated--but stay calm and alert.
  • Endure--because this will take time, we need to endure. If we wait on the Lord, we will walk and not get weary. If we walk in His strength, we can endure to the end. In 4:3-4 tell us why endurance and patience are required---people will reject you and your doctrine. They will turn to listen to others who tell them what they want to hear. Your message will require repentance and confession and changing direction. The other teachers will say everyone is fine. Endure.
  • Evangelize---share the good news. Remember the message---Jesus is the good news of God. 
  • Fulfill your ministry. Now, complete your calling. God places a call on each of our lives--we are all different with different talents, gifts, and abilities---but God has called us to His service. Complete your assignment.


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