Thought for July 5, 2023
1687: Isaac Newton's "Principia" published, outlining the laws of motion and universal gravitation
1994: Amazon founded by Jeff Bezos
Born: PT Barnum, Cecil Rhodes
Died: Ted Williams
I noticed something this morning. I have very few words or verses marked in the Book of Galatians. For the past year, I have been walking through my Bible and reading and considering again passages and words I have marked in the past. Then I got to Galatians. I am surprised. So I must carefully read this book. And immediately, 1:6-10 jump out at me. They seem to be designed to follow the thought from yesterday about Satan deceiving and tricking us. Paul is concerned about the Galatians and the gospel.
- A different gospel [1:6]
- A distorted gospel [1:7]
- A contrary gospel [1:8]
- A man pleasing gospel [1:10]
Think about those terms--different, distorted, contrary and man pleasing. How was the sermon Sunday--different, distorted, contrary or man pleasing? How about the teacher? What about my life? Paul is defending the gospel he preached to the Galatians. Paul tells us that the gospel he preached is that justification before God can only come by faith in Jesus Christ--by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. [2:16] Having been saved, Paul tells us that it is no longer Paul who lives because the old Paul was crucified with Christ--so now Christ lives in Paul. [2:19-20]
The verses in 1:6-10 remind me and challenge me:
- Does my life reflect a different gospel? Have I added something to the gospel? Is it now Christ plus something--good works, church attendance, baptism, speaking in tongues, tithing, studying the Bible. Or is salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Now, having been saved, baptism is obedience, studying the word is maturity, good works is evidence.
- Does my life reflect a distorted gospel? I ignore sin because grace abounds. I walk in the flesh and not in the spirit so my witness is distorted to the world. Have I slightly changed some of Christ's commands because they are more acceptable to the world.
- Do I live a contrary gospel? I want to be liked and accepted, so I accept non-biblical conduct and attitudes as Okay. Do I value human wisdom over God's wisdom?
- Am I interested primarily in pleasing man--getting along; not causing waves; adjusting to the times.
Perhaps I need to go back to basics--what is the gospel, God's good news? Does my life reflect that I believe the gospel of Jesus Christ? Lord, help me.
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