Thought for July 3

 Born: Samuel de Champlain, George M. Cohan, Tom Cruise

Died: Jim Morrison, Don Drysdale


Considering 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 this morning. Here is what I see the Lord saying to me from these verses:

  • We are in a war. Do you look at every day as a battle in a war? Paul tells us to put on the armor of God in Ephesians 6. What is the war all about?
    • Flesh versus spirit. 10:3 reminds us that while we are walking in fleshly bodies, the war is spiritual. In Ephesians 6:12, Paul reminds us that the struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. Similarly, in Galatians 5, Paul tells us that the deeds of the flesh are in opposition to the fruit of the spirit [5:19-23]. I really need to remember where the war rages--it rages in my flesh which wars against my spirit.
    • The mind is the battlefield. I often think of warfare as being physical. I watch the movies with tanks, guns, planes and bombs. I see the battles in Ukraine. Paul tells me that the war is for my thoughts. My goal in the war is to bring every thought captive to obeying Christ. Paul knows about this warfare. "That which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate." [Romans 7:15] I often think my flesh is the battle field, but really it is in my mind where the battles are fought and decided. Paul also knew this, so he begs us to be transformed by renewing our minds in Romans 12. 
  • We use weapons divinely powerful for spiritual warfare. When I think about weapons that I use in my daily battles, what comes to mind? I yell at my enemy; I talk ugly about my enemy; I slander my enemy; I try to hurt my enemy physically [the battle is spiritual]. Now I see why Jesus tells me to do good to those that hurt me, pray for those that misuse me, turn the other cheek. I am to respond with spiritual weapons--love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self control, patience. 
    • The weapons are for destroying fortresses, speculations and things raised up against the knowledge of God. The first thing I notice is what our weapons are not for--destroying people, getting even, taking revenge. Our weapons break down walls and barriers--walls separate people from God and from each other. We use our weapons to destroy the walls of fear and doubt. To breach the walls of human wisdom. We use our weapons to destroy speculations about God and His plan by teaching and living truth. We have weapons designed to allow people to know God, not know about God. Paul reminds us that the weapon for battle is the word of God--both the word and the Word. 
    • The weapons are divinely powerful---that means the Holy Spirit supplies the power, not Larry. I will apply the wrong power at the wrong time in the wrong place. The Holy Spirit will instruct me exactly what to say at exactly the right time in exactly the right place. 
Lord, today help me see the war as You see it---victory won, battle still raging for the souls of women and men and children. Help me fight the battle with the spiritual weapons You have provided--they are all sufficient and specifically designed for Your purpose. Help me understand Your goal--transforming minds to see what is the perfect will of God. 



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