Thought for March 8
- 1817: NY Stock Exchange founded
- 1894: First dog licensing law [NY]
- 1927: Pan American Airlines incorporates
- 1934: Edwin Hubble photo shows as many galaxies as the Milky Way has stars
- 1936: First stock car race at Daytona Beach
- 1948: Hugo Black writes Supreme Court opinion ruling religious instruction in public school unconstitutional
- 1983: IBM releases PC DOS 2.0
- 2014: Malaysia Flight MH370 disappears
- 2020: US reports 521 Covid cases and 21 deaths
- Born: Josephine Cochrane [invented automatic dishwasher], Edward Kendall [isolated cortisone], Cyd Charisse, Ralph Baer [1st video game console], Pete Dawkins [Army Heisman winner], Jim Bouton, Lynn Redgrave
- Died: Hector Berlioz, Millard Fillmore, Henry Ward Beecher, Ferdinand von Zeppelin, William Howard Taft, Ray Nitschke, Joe DiMaggio, Max von Sydow
Yesterday I was reminded that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace--so we are not anxious. Today I have marked Matthew 7:16 and 20--"you will know them by their fruit." In John 15, Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches. So if we are branches off the vine of Jesus we should produce the same fruit that He produced. And if our fruit does not match the vine we claim to be part of, a question arises--are we really branches of that vine.
- So if grapes come from grape vines and figs come from fig trees, what is the fruit of the Jesus vine or the Jesus tree? This morning think with me a moment about the fruit of Jesus:
- Love--God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. So greater love has no person than that they lay down their life for a friend. Do I find myself laying down my life, my wants, my preferences, my comfort for Jesus or for one that He loves?
- Peace--Do I walk in His peace, talk in His peace, serve in His peace, share His peace? Or do I sow disunity, chaos, contention, strife.
- Joy--at Christmas we sing "Joy to the world, the Lord has come." When I enter a room, does the joy level rise or fall? When I serve, is it from duty alone, guilt alone, or with joy alone.
- Compassion--do I care enough about others to risk my job, my pride, my relationship with them to show compassion, offer comfort, tell them the truth.
- Patience--Am I patient with others? Jesus certainly was. Or do I get frustrated, impatient, angry, disgusted.
- Gentleness---Jesus was gentle with those who are lost and seeking. He used the example of the children coming to Him to teach us about gentleness. Am I gentle or curt, abrupt, sharp tongued.
- Branches that produce no good fruit are thrown in the fire. They are fakes, false, hypocrites.
Today, does the world know that I am a branch on the Jesus vine by my fruits?
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