Thought for September 10


  • 1776: George Washington asks for a volunteer to spy on British, Nathan Hale says yes
  • 1894: London taxi driver is first to be fined for drunk driving
  • 1913: Lincoln Highway opens--first paved coast-t0-coast highway
  • 1953: Swanson sells its first TV dinner
  • 1955: Gunsmoke premiers
  • 1964: Palestinian Liberation Army forms
  • 1973: Ali defeats Ken Norton
  • 1984: First daily syndicated version of Jeopardy! with Alex Trebek
  • 1990: Ellis Island reopens as a museum
  • 1991: Clarence Thomas hearings begin
  • 1993: "X Files" premiers
  • 2017: Hurricane Irma hits Florida
  • 2019: President Trump fires John Bolton as national security adviser
  • 2020: Oregon wildfires cause evacuation of 500,000, 10% of the population of the State
  • Born: Rin Tin Tin, Arnold Palmer, Charles Kuralt [On the Road], Roger Maris, Larry Nelson, Bob Lanier, Bill O'Reilly, Gary Danielson, Amy Irving, Colin Firth, Randy Johnson [Baseball HOF], Jack Ma [Alibaba], 
  • Died: Thomas Gallaaudet [educator of the deaf], Harold Gillies [father of plastic surgery-skin grafts], Jane Wyman, Patty Berg [LPGA], Cliff Robertson, Diana Rigg
Tomorrow we will remember September 11, 2001. On that day, Todd Beamer and some other brave men recited the Lord's Prayer aboard United Flight 93. Todd first said this prayer with Lisa Jefferson, an operator that he reached on the Airfone after the terrorist took over the plane. Todd ended the prayer with Lisa with "Jesus help me." Then after saying the prayer with the other men, he said those famous words "Let's roll."  I can learn a lot from this event--always be ready for we know not the day we will be called; always seek the help of the only One who can truly save; then move with courage into the battle. Good idea for today.

I've marked up Deuteronomy 8, focused around 8:18--"Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth." If I could just always remember this chapter, my faith would be stronger and I would be less anxious and more generous. Moses tells the people that the Lord is bringing them into a good land--water and springs, wheat and barley, grapes and figs, olive oil and honey. A land without scarcity filled with iron and copper. [8:7-9] Back in chapter 6, Moses told them that they would enter cities they did not build, houses filled with good things they did not fill, cisterns they did not dig. And in both of these chapters, Moses then warns the people that they will accept all these blessing, eat and be satisfied, then get proud and forget the Lord [6:12, 8:11-14]. 

I see and feel this is my own life. God richly blesses. Most of us are living in homes we could never imagine, making incomes our parents would not believe, taking vacations, driving cars, buying clothes, eating out--for me and many who read this, these were only dreams for our parents and for us as children. Our own room, our own bathroom--who could be that blessed. We worked hard, perhaps were frugal, maybe we saved. But only the blessing of the Lord, allowing us to be born in this country, giving us minds that could learn, providing health that we could work, truly gave us prosperity and success. Most of us looking back can clearly see God's hand directing us, providing opportunities, opening and closing doors. But too often, I find myself thinking about how hard I worked, how I earned it or deserved it. I feel proud of all that "I" have accomplished. 

I was always struck by the prayer of Peter Marshall, "Lord, Help us to give according to our incomes, lest Thou, O God, make our incomes according to our gifts." I am grateful that God loves us not based on our merit, but according to His love and grace. Lord, please help me never forget that every good gift comes from the Father of lights. I am a steward of the time, talents, gifts and wealth You have provided. May You find me faithful.



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