Thought for August 8


  • 70: Romans under Titus destroy the Tower of Antonia in Jerusalem
  • 1844: Brigham Young chosen as head of the Mormon Church after the death of Joseph Smith
  • 1854: Smith & Wesson patents metal bullet cartridges
  • 1870: First America's Cup Race
  • 1898: Kellogg invents corn flakes
  • 1945: Truman signs the United Nations Charter
  • 1960: Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polkadot Bikini hits #1
  • 1974: Nixon announces he will resign tomorrow.
  • 1992: Original Dream Team wins Gold at the Olympics
  • 2000: Confederate sub HL Hunley raised after 136 years--see it in Charleston
  • 2021: USA Women win 7th straight Olympic Gold in basketball
  • Born: Emiliano Zapata, Bob Smith [co-founder Alcoholics Anonymous], Esther Williams, Webb Pierce, Jerry Tarkanian, Mel Tillis, Dustin Hoffman, Connie Stevens, Floyd Reese, Deborah Norville, Bruce Matthews, Roger Federer, 
  • Died: Jacqueline Cochran [1st women to break sound barrier], Alan Ameche, James Irwin [astronaut], Fay Wray, Patricia Neal, Glen Campbell, Bobby Bowden
Saturday we looked at Jesus' instructions about our prayer life. He gave us an example of how we should pray. This morning I'm thinking about the Model Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-5.
  • Our Father. Notice that Jesus reminds us that we are a family with many brothers and sisters--God is our Father. We are children by adoption through Christ. What a blessing. And Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit helps us cry out Abba Father--Daddy--so that we are not slaves but children and heirs [Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6]. So when we come to the Father as children, we come in the name above all names, Jesus, who provided the way for our adoption. The good news--in Christ, God is not just God and not just our God, He is our Father, Daddy. This alone is enough to require all my love and all my devotion to Him. 
  • In Heaven--while God is my Abba Father, He is God, sovereign and almighty. So while I am called to approach Him as Daddy, I must never forget that He is God.
  • Now we have seven petitions [of course, since 7 is one of those Biblical numbers of completeness]. The first three address God the Father. Think about these this morning. These reflect the goal of our lives every day. In my life Lord--may Your name be glorified in all I say, do and think. In my life Lord, may the reality of Your kingdom, Your reign in my life, be demonstrated and real every day. In my life Lord, today may Your will be done in my life and in Your creation. If these petitions were reality in the life of every believer, what difference would that make in our world? 
    • Hallowed be Your Name.
      • Elohim--Creator and owner of everything
      • El Elyon--Most High, ruler of heaven and earth, the ultimate authority in the universe.
      • Jehovah--YHWH. The personal name of God
      • Adonai--Lord-one to whom I owe sole allegiance and obedience without question or doubt
      • Sabbaoth--Lord of host. Head of the army of Heaven. 
      • El Olam--Everlasting God. He has no beginning and no end. Eternal.
      • El Shaddai--Almighty
      • Yahweh Shalom--My peace
      • Yahweh Jireh--My Provision
      • Yahweh Rophe--My Healer
      • Yahweh Rohi--My Shepherd
    • Your Kingdom Come. Romans 14:17 tells us His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. So my prayer is that my life with be a demonstration of His righteousness, joy and peace. People will see God's kingdom, His reign, in my life every day. 
    • Your will be done. This was Christ's plea on the cross and should be my plea every day. Where do we pray that these things will be true--in heaven and on earth. So we pray with John in Revelation, come quickly Lord Jesus. But these can occur today in my heart and mind if I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. The Holy Spirit came to lead us into all righteousness. 
This morning let's pray these three petitions for each of us. Lord, in my life be glorified today. 



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