Thought for July 28
- 1586: Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe
- 1858: First use of fingerprints for identification
- 1858: First airborne photographs--balloon
- 1900: Hamburger created by Louis Lassing
- 1933: First singing telegram
- 1943: FDR ends coffee rationing
- 1951: Movie "Alice in Wonderland" released by Disney
- Born: Beatrix Potter, Rudy Vallee, Earl Tupper [Tupperware], Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Bill Bradley [Senator and basketball HOF], Jim Davis [Garfield], Sally Struthers, Liz Cheney,
- Died: Thomas Cromwell [Executed by Henry VIII because he would not support the divorce of Anne of Cleves], Cyrano de Bergerac, Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Robespierre, William Mayo [Mayo Clinic], Charles Mayo [Mayo clinic, founders die on the same date], Francis Crick [DNA structure], Ron Popeil [pocket fisherman],
Johann Sebastian Bach said "Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul. I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music." At the end of each work, Bach wrote SDG--Soli Deo Gloria--Glory to God Alone. Think about starting and ending each day with that thought--today, I live for the glory of God alone!
Yesterday, we looked at the word "blessed" as used in the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew 5]. As I read the beatitudes this morning I notice the blessings they describe:
- Having the kingdom of heaven [5:3, 10]. Citizenship in His kingdom. A kingdom that is eternal and that will never fail. A kingdom ruled by the most loving, merciful and gracious King. A kingdom where you are free indeed---free from the penalty of sin, free from the power of sin and ultimately free from the presence of sin. Peace and joy fill each day--no fear, no anxiety. We tear up singing America the Beautiful--but think about the kingdom of God. Awesome! And I have His kingdom now, for His kingdom exists wherever He is King.
- Receiving the comfort of the Holy Spirit [5:4] Yes, we have His kingdom, but today we live in this world. And He has told us in this world we will have troubles. So we are blessed with the Holy Spirit. Notice, the Holy Spirit comforts us. That word means He comes along side us with power. He doesn't just come to give us a hug and dry our tears, the Spirit comes to give us the strength and power to endure, for we are more than conquerors in Christ. What a blessing!
- Inheriting the earth [5:5]. This world was made by Jesus, for Jesus. And when we are in His kingdom, we are joint heirs with Him. This verse made me turn and read "If" by Rudyard Kipling this morning. After laying out the characteristics of a real man, Kipling concludes with "Yours is the earth and everything that's in it, and---which is more---you'll be a man, my son.!"
- Being fully satisfied [5:6] Satisfied not with the things of earth, but with righteousness. What an idea! I can spend my time hungering and thirsting for the things of the flesh and never be satisfied. I always want more money, more recognition, more free time, more security. But if I am seeking righteousness, I will be filled to overflowing.
- Receiving God's mercy [5:7]. Mercy means not getting what I deserve. My sin came with a penalty--death and separation from God. What a blessing to receive His mercy! He took the penalty that I deserved so that I could have the relationship with God that I had lost.
- Seeing God [5:8]. The gift to see God, see His hand move, see His plan being worked out. Seeing His creation as He sees it. We can walk through life unaware of God and all of His works, or He can bless us by opening our eyes and stimulating our senses to see and understand His moving around us.
- Being called God's child [5:9] O the amazing grace that allows me to be called a child of God. And He knows my name! A couple of weeks ago we sang that song in church, "He know's my name, He knows my every thought, He knows each tear that falls and hears me when I call."
- Having a great reward in heaven [5:12] In addition to all the blessings we have in this life, we have a great reward in heaven. Don't know all that means, but I know the One who promised us exceedingly, abundantly more than I can even think.
Think about a life filled with those blessings every day! What would life be like? Would you like to experience those blessings? Tomorrow let's consider the characteristics of the people who live covered by those blessings.
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