- 1777: Continental Congress adopts Stars & Stripes as our flag
- 1847: Bunsen Burner invented
- 1922: Warren G Harding is first president to use the radio
- 1940: Auschwitz opens
- 1942: Anne Frank begins her diary
- 1946: Nat King Cole records the Christmas Song
- 1954: President Eisenhower signs order adding “under God” to the Pledge of allegiance
- 1967: “To Sir with Love” released
- 2020: India reports 12,000 Covid cases per day
- Born: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Alois Alzheimer, Burl Ives, Pierre Salinger, Che Guevara, John MacArthur, Donald Trump, Pat Summitt, Eric Heiden, Steffi Graf
- Died: Benedict Arnold, Pierre L’Enfant [designed D.C.], Mary Cassatt [artist], Alan Jay Lerner [My Fair Lady], Henry Mancini, Ruth Graham
Still looking at the first 14 verses of John this morning. Here is a tragedy. Jesus was in the beginning. Jesus created everything. Jesus is the giver of life and the light of the world. Without Jesus there is no life and no light. That tells me that without Jesus my life is darkness and death. Reminds me of Moses talking to the Israelites—a place before you life and death, choose life. Now, if it is true that Jesus is God, in Him alone is life and He alone is light, what are the possible responses of man?
- Man can deny that Jesus is God, life and light——attribute these qualities and characteristics to themselves [I am god]. Or perhaps say it’s all an accident—Big Bang, evolution, natural design.
- Man cannot recognize that Jesus is God, life and light—Lost people may fit this category.
- Man can ignore that Jesus is God, life and light—He is up there and if He is good, He will surely take care of me because I am pretty good.
But do I find myself doing these things while I claim to believe and accept that Jesus is God, life and light? I put myself in charge. Or maybe I think that this world and its stuff can give me real life, real joy, real peace. Or maybe I just don't pay attention to what Jesus has said or commanded. On July 3rd, I will be speaking to our church on Psalm 107, a Psalm about God’s deliverance. The last verse of that Psalm says that whoever is wise should pay attention to all that God has done for His people. Lord, help me today live like I believe You are God, You are the only true life, and You are the only light in the darkness.
Now the tragedy—those Jesus came to save rejected Him. Jesus chose them as His chosen people, holy priesthood, His nation—but they rejected Him. Some of us have experienced that—we had children who we birthed, raised, sacrificed for—and then they reject our leadership, our advice, our faith. How does that make us feel—the very people we love and gave up so much for just ignore us or don’t pay attention to us or don’t listen to us—we are hurt, angry, sad, dejected. Now think about how Jesus feels when I ignore Him, don’t listen to Him, don’t follow Him.
Now think about the love that it must take for Jesus to turn rejection into more love—for while some reject, to those that receive Him—adoption, children, rebirth, a fresh start, a do over. Verse 14 tells us that He came full of grace and truth. It was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fear relieved—Amazing Grace. And the great news—Jesus is still doing that in our lives every day. We forget, ignore, reject, disobey, but His grace is sufficient, His love endures and His light never fails.
I am thinking of the ways and times I have ignored Jesus, or denied Him [He makes a promise that I refuse to believe], or pushed Him off the throne of my life——Lord forgive me. I want to be able to end every day by repeating what John writes in 1:14—today, I beheld His glory, His grace, His truth. Lord help me be part of how you demonstrate Your truth and grace to a lost world.
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