Thought for December 28, 2024
- 1065: Westminster Abbey consecrated [unfinished]
- 1612: First observation of Neptune--Galileo thought is was a star
- 1849: Dry cleaning discovered when lamp containing turpentine and oil spills on clothing
- 1869: Chewing gum patented
- 1905: Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States founded [became NCAA in 1910]
- 1945: Congress officially recognizes the Pledge of Allegiance
- 1948: Jacob DeShazzar, one of Doolittle's raiders captured and tortured by the Japanese, returns to Japan as an evangelist. Read "Wounded Tiger"
- 1958: First sudden-death game in NFL--Colts beat Giants. 17 future Hall of Famers on the field
- 1973: Nixon signs the Endangered Species Act
- 1973: Solzhenitsyn publishes "The Gulag Archipelago"
- 1975: First time a pass is called a Hail Mary--Staubach to Pearson with 32 seconds left
- 2012: Putin bars adoption of Russian children by Americans
- Born: Calixa LaVallee [composed "O Canada"], Woodrow Wilson, Stan Lee, Maggie Smith, Denzel Washington, Seth Myers, John Legend
- Died: Maurice Ravel, Bela Schick [invented the Schick test], Rob Roy, Harry Winston [jeweler], Dennis Wilson [Beach Boys], William Demarest ["My Three Sons"], Jimmy Demaret, Sam Peckinpah, Clayton Moore [Lone Ranger], Susan Sontag, Debbie Reynolds, Rose Marie,
On this last Saturday of 2024, I am reading 2 Corinthians 13:11-14. This is my prayer for those who have been following me on the journey this year:
- Rejoice! Think about all that you have to rejoice about this year. God is on His throne. Jesus stands to make intercession for us. The Holy Spirit comforts, guides, teaches, empowers. That alone is cause for rejoicing. Now think about all the blessings of this year--light and life; laughter, friends, food, fellowship; times of worship and praise; moments when you have heard His voice and seen His hand move; the taste of your favorite dessert, the hug of child or grandchild; loved ones enjoying their reward with Jesus, not laying in a grave; bodies older but working; sickness overcome, injury healed. Hearing the words "I love you" or saying them to someone special. Psalm 118 says this is the day the Lord has made--rejoice and be glad in it.
- Be made complete. Allow Jesus to make you whole. Rejoice in your trials knowing that the purpose is to produce endurance so that you will be perfect, complete and lacking in nothing. James 1:4.
- Be comforted. Jesus sent the Great Comforter to help us pray, to help us remember what Jesus said. So we find comfort [power and strength] in prayer and in His word.
- Be unified. Do not let silly quarrels divide your marriage, your family, your church, your friendships. Find unity in the love of Christ. When we all seek Him together we find a peace that passes understanding.
- Live in peace as far as it depends on you. Find peace with God through Jesus and peace with each other through His love.
- Greet each other with a hug and kiss. You know if we hugged and kissed more it would be easier to be comforted, be unified, be at peace.
- Remember every day that you are covered by the grace and love of Christ and that you have fellowship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is reason to rejoice!
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