Thought for December 27, 2024

  •  1845: Ether first used in childbirth by Dr. Crawford Long in Jefferson GA. Jan was born in the Crawford Long Hospital in Atlanta
  • 1932: Radio City Music Hall opens in NYC
  • 1939: 20,000+ die in a magnitude 8 earthquake in Turkey
  • 1945: International Monetary Fund established
  • 1947: First telecast of "Howdy Doody Show"
  • 1979: Soviets complete invasion of Afghanistan by killing its President
  • Born: Johannes Kepler, Louis Pasteur, Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth Smart
  • Died: Stephen F Austin, Gustave Eiffel, Norman Schwarzkopf, Carrie Fisher
Look at the words of 2 Corinthians 11:3 this morning. Paul tells the church that Satan's goal is the same as the one he had in the garden--deceive me so that I am led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. What a simple way to state the ultimate struggle. Devotion to Christ is simple and pure. The gospel is not complex, intricate, convoluted. The gospel is simple. God made a perfect world. We disobeyed His simple command. the penalty for disobedience is death and separation from God. God loves us so much that He made a way to fulfill His law and penalize sin with death, but save and restore our relationship with Him. Jesus came fully man and fully God, lived a perfect life, died the death we deserved to satisfy the law, rose in victory over death and invites us to join in that victory through faith in Him. Whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life with Him. Simple. 

Satan comes to deceive us. God did not really say. God did not really mean. If God is love, He won't send anyone to hell. God just doesn't want you to become god like Him. There is another way to get to God-work really hard, give money away to the right causes, attend church regularly. Be better than most people because God grades on the curve. Satan challenges the simplicity of the gospel.

Satan also challenges the purity of the gospel by deception. Nobody is perfect. Just get along. Don't cause a fuss, everybody has their own truth. A little sin is really not going to hurt you so watch the movie, listen to the "music", laugh at the joke. You don't have to be such a wet blanket--have a little fun.  Society has changed, the bible was written to different people at a different time. Just look around, things have changed. Science has proven that some of the bible is just not right. Do you trust that book or what the scientist theorize? 

I guess it really is very simple. Do I believe God or do I believe Satan? If I really believe God, do my actions, attitudes and words give evidence of that belief? Look over at 13:5--Paul says "test yourself to see if you are in the faith--examine yourselves!" As we near the end of the year, probably a good time for that examination.



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