Thought for December 17, 2024

  •  1538: Pope Paul II excommunicates Henry VIII
  • 1777: France recognizes the American colonies as independent
  • 1791: First one-way street--NYC
  • 1798: First impeachment trial of a Senator--William Blount of Tennessee
  • 1862: General Grant issues an order expelling Jews from Tennessee
  • 1900: Prize of 100,000 francs offered for communication with extraterrestrials, but communication with Martians excluded as too easy
  • 1903: Wright Brothers first successful flight of motorized plane
  • 1947: Patent for the holograph issued
  • 1989: "The Simpsons" premiers
  • Born: Arthur Fiedler, Erskine Caldwell, William Saffire, George Lindsey, Ernie Hudson, Bill Pullman, Michele Tafoya
  • Died: Simon Bolivar, William Thompson [Kelvin scale], Dana Andrews, Otto Graham, Sammy Baugh, Penny Marshall
John Rippon died on this day in 1836. At age 20 and being a Christian for only 4 years, he was called as pastor of Carter Lane Baptist Church in London, later renamed the Metropolitan Tabernacle when Spurgeon was pastor. Rippon served for 60 years and his ministry followed that of John Gill whose commentaries are in use today. Think about that--pastor between John Gill and Charles Spurgeon. Rippon was not well received and 40 members left to protest having such a young and inexperienced pastor. The 40 formed a new church nearby. How did Rippon respond: first, he told his congregation he was surprised more did not leave. Second, he urged his conmgregation to pay the cost of the departing members new church building. Then, he particiapted in the consecration of the new church's new pastor [who was only 19]. We are indebted to Rippon because he collected the hymns of Isaac Watt's and others and published a hymnal.

Reading 2 Corinthians 4 today, focused on 4:7-18. Yesterday we saw that we are letters written by Christ to the world. In chapter 4, Paul calls the message that we carry a treasure [4:7]. Then he points out that while we carry an eternal light, an everlasting treasure to the world, we are carrying this treasure in earthen vessels. Why would God place His eternal treasure into us earthly vessels? So that we and everyone else would see and understand that it is God's power that sustains, preserves and carries the message, not the strength of the flesh, but the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the flesh. [4:7] This is a great encouragement to me---I do not carry Christ's message to the world in my strength, my power, my ability--I carry it in His authority, with His power, with His strength. In 1962 when I was taking my driver's test, the booklet we studied told us that the US Postal Service had priority over police cars, ambulances, etc. Here Paul reminds us that we travel in the authority of Jesus and that has priority over any worldly power. Now notice what Paul says. Because we carry the message in His power:
  • We are afflicted, but not crushed. Reminds me of what happens to submarines who lose their pressure, the sea crushes them. But greater is He in us than he that is in the world. So despite being afflicted, we are not crushed.
  • We are perplexed, but not despairing. Sometimes we do not understand His plan and His methods, but by faith we are not despairing. We know the last chapter of the book. We know who wins the game. So our questions and doubts are overcome by our faith.
  • Struck down but not destroyed. Think about Jesus. The Pharisees thought they struck Him down at the cross, but He was not destroyed--He rose in power. Same way for us. Satan thinks he has us defeated with doubt and fear. He thinks death will end it for us and eternally separate us from God. But through Christ we are more than conquerors. 
Now look at 4:10-11. Both verses conclude with Christ being manifested/revealed in our flesh. The goal is that our words and deeds will manifest, make apparent the power, grace, love and mercy of Christ. Both verses say that though our flesh is dying, our spirits make manifest Jesus. I see two things here. First, Christ tells us to deny self, take up our cross and follow Him. So we are constantly dying to self that He might live in us. Second, our outer man is decaying, while our inner man is renewed daily. [4:16] Recall Romans 12:1-2--we are not conformed, but transformed by the daily renewing of our minds--getting our focus on Him, setting our minds on Him, seeking Him. 

And now the reason why we stay committed--we know that the one who raised Jesus will raise us too. [4:14] This means that our current light affliction is producing eternal glory. [4:17] So we look not at the things we can see with human eyes, we look at those things we can see through spiritual eyes, and there we see Jesus high and lifted up. Our hope of glory. [4:18]



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