Thought for November 9, 2024
- 1572: John Knox preaches his last sermon
- 1799: Napoleon becomes dictator of France
- 1821: First college of pharmacy in the US holds its first class--Philadelphia
- 1862: US Grant issues order prohibiting Jews from serving in his army
- 1872: Great Boston fire destroys 1000 buildings
- 1904: First airplane flight lasting more than 5 minutes
- 1906: Theodore Roosevelt is first sitting President to visit a foreign country
- 1938: Al Capp creates "Sadie Hawkins Day' in "Lil' Abner" comic strip
- 1969: "Bridge over Troubled Water" recorded by Simon & Garfunkel
- Born: Gail Borden [invented condensed milk], Spiro Agnew, Carl Sagan,
- Died: Barton Stone [founded movement that became Disciples of Christ and Christian Church], Neville Chamberlain, Dylan Thomas, Charles de Gaulle, John Mitchell [Attorney General], Stieg Larson ["Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"]
Reading a favorite passage today, Romans 11:33-36.
Think about the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. But as I try and comprehend the depth of the riches of God, I am faced with the very next sentence--His judgments and ways are beyond my understanding and comprehension. So on the one hand, I know that God's ways, His wisdom, His riches are glorious, all excelling, unbelievable, astounding--I cannot grasp the power, glory, mind of God, for His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts.
Even though I cannot grasp the fullness of God, I can celebrate 11:36.
- From Him are all things.
- Through Him are all things.
- To Him are all things.
In my Bible, I have written, He is the source or all things, He is the force of all things and He is course of all things. He created everything and continues to create, so He is truly the source. He is the force that propels man through this life--He provides the sovereign guide to history. He is the course--the direction toward which all creation is directed. In First Corinthians, Paul has a similar thought--all things are from One Father, we exist for Him, created for His glory. One Lord Jesus, by whom all things exist and through Him we exist. We are created by God and live through Jesus. Similarly in Colossians 1:16, Paul writes about Jesus---all things were created by Him and for Him and in Him all things hold together. This one always strikes me--Jesus is the glue that holds things together--our lives, our marriages, our nations. Without Him, chaos.
Today, let's celebrate that in Jesus we have the source of all things [so He is sufficient], we have the course for our souls to meet Him in eternity and we have His power to move us from creation to Him in glory. That is something to remember and celebrate.
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