Thought for November 27, 2024

  •  1826: Friction match invented by John Walker
  • 1895: Nobel Prize established in will of Alfred Nobel
  • 1896: Richard Strauss debuts "Also Sprach Zarathustra" inspired by Nietzche and later the theme for "2001, A Space Odyssey"
  • 1924: First Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • 2013: "Frozen" released
  • 2017: 8 donkeys rleased from jail in India after 4 days--crime--eating plants
  • Born: Anders Celsius, Robert Livingston [delivered oath of office to George Washington], James Agee ["African Queen" one of my favorite movies], Buffalo Bob Smith [Howdy Doody], Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix, Caroline Kennedy
  • Died: Horace, Ada Lovelace [1st compter programmer], Clement Studebaker, Baby Face Nelson, Eugene O'?Neill, Stephen Hillenburg [cartoonist-SpongeBob SquarePants]
Still in 1 Corinthians 4 this morning. Paul is making his case to the church at Corinth by several comparisons in verses 3-10. I am focused on verses 12-13 and comparing myself to Paul's description of himself. In verse 16, Paul tells the Corinthians to imitate him. What a bold statement. If you want to walk in Christ, imitate me. 

Now go back to 12-13. How should we imitate Paul to walk like Jesus? We toil and work. We do not rely on others to provide for us, we work to provide for ourselves. Well, that's not too bad, I think I have done that. But wait, there is more. When reviled, we bless. When people talk ugly about us, tell lies about us, mistreat us, we bless. We overcome evil with good. We pray for those who oppress us. When we are persecuted, we endure. We endure not in our strength, but in His. And we endure with patience and without complaining because the joy and peace that fills us overcomes all external persecution. Like Polycarp, we can stand in the fire because the God who has brought us this far will sustain us even in the fire. When slandered, we try and reconcile. We do not slander in return, but to the extent it depends on us, we seek peace. 

Now that seems like a silly approach to life. Nobody does that. But Jesus did. and Paul tells us in verse 10 that we are fools for Christ's sake. The foolishness of God is wisdom and the wisdom of this world is foolishness. The Sermon on the Mount must have been heard with disbelieving ears. Bless those who curse. Do good to those that persecute. Walk the extra mile, Give the cloak. Murder is more than killing the flesh. Adultery is more than a sex act. But God's thoughts are not our thoughts and God's ways are not our ways---but in Christ they can be. 

Today, I resolve to live as a fool for Christ. How about you?



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