Thought for November 14, 2024
- 1666: Samuel Pepys reports on the first blood transfusion--between dogs
- 1784: Samuel Seabury named a bishop in the Anglican Church in Scotland; a year later he became the first bishop in America; and 5 years later organized the Anglicans in America as the Episcopal Church
- 1792: George Vancouver is first Englishman to enter San Francisco Bay
- 1851: Herman Melville publishes "Moby Dick"
- 1883: "Treasure Island" first published in book form
- 1889: Nellie Bly begins her attempt to travel around the world in 80 days--makes it in 72 days, 6 hours
- 1908: Albert Einstein presents the quantum theory of light
- 1910: First airplane flight from the deck of a ship
- 1935: Jews lose citizenship in Germany
- 1968: Yale announces it will accept coeds
- Born: Robert Fulton, Claude Monet, Leo Baekeland [Bakelite plastics], Jawaharlal Nehru, Mamie Eisenhower, Joe McCarthy, Prince Charles [now King Charles], Condoleezza Rice, Janice Cox Thrailkill
- Died: Charles Carroll [last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence [1832], Booker T Washington
Continuing to look at the practical commands from Paul in Romans 12 to guide us to live transformed lives that evidence the will of God:
- Never pay back evil for evil. Never take your own revenge. [12:17, 19] As a child, how often did I say, she hit me first. He called me a name first. I admit that I do not have great ideas about resolving the crisis in the Middle East. But I do see these verses operating. You send a few missiles, I'll send a few missiles. I understand self defense. I understand God has given the Jewish people land. But I still read these verses and wonder.
- As far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. [12:18] We are called to be peacemakers. We are called to respond to hate with love, curses with blessing. We cannot insure peace, but we can make every effort to be at peace. This applies to interpersonal relationships as well as national issues. When I respond or react, is my goal peace or to get even.
- Treat your enemy with love. [12:19-20]. How do I respond to those who are enemies? When I was in a large law firm and sat on the board, we determined the bonuses each attorney would receive and the compensation for the following year. A young female attorney thought that I was her enemy in those decisions because she did not receive what she thought was fair. She and her husband adopted a child, then after some time, the birth parents came back and tried to reclaim the child. When I heard that a trial was being held, I went to her office and asked her if I could pray with her about the outcome. As we prayed, she began to cry. When I finished praying, I asked her if I had said something that hurt her. She responded, "I have never heard anyone pray for me by name." My Sunday School class prayed for her and her family for months during this process and ultimately she brought her son to our class and we worshipped together. She was never my enemy, but she thought I was her enemy. Prayer broke down all barriers.
I am asking the Lord to bring to mind anyone who I think of as an enemy or who I think may look at me as an enemy. Help me Lord pray for the good of anyone You bring to mind.
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