Thought for November 12, 2024
- 1660: John Bunyan arrested for unlicensed preaching and sent to prison. During various imprisonments he wrote "Pilgrim's Progress."
- 1704: Matthew Henry writes in his diary that he intends to prepare a commentary on the Scripture. He completes through Acts before his death; friends use his notes to complete the remaining books.
- 1859: Jules Leotard performs first Flying Trapeze act [designed the garment that bears his name]
- 1880: "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ" by Lew Wallace is published
- 1933: First known photo of the Loch Ness Monster
- 1933: Nazi Party receives 92% of the vote in German election
- 1946: First drive-up bank tellers [Chicago]
- 1954: Ellis Island Immigration Station closed
- 1966: Buzz Aldrin takes first "selfie" in space
- 1968: Supreme Court invalidates laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools
- 2001: America Flight 587 crashes on takeoff from JFK killing 260
- 2015: Barack Obama poses for the cover of Out Magazine [Gay]
- Born: Jeanne Mance [formed first hospital in North America], Auguste Rodin, Sun Yat-sen, DeWitt Wallace [founded Readers Digest], Seth Nicholson [discovered 4 moons of Jupiter], Jack Ryan [invented Hot Wheels, Chatty Cathy], Charlie Manson
- Died: Percival Lowell [predicted existence of Pluto, founded Lowell Observatory], Ira Levin ["Rosemary's Baby," 'Boys from Brazil"], Stan Lee,
Yesterday, we looked at Romans 12:1-2. I am to be evidence of God's will by living a transformed life, constantly renewing my mind to be more like His. Later in chapter 12, Paul gives some guidance as to what this means in my life:
- Find your calling/function and do it. [12:4-8] Everyone has a gift, use it. When we fail to identify and use our gifts, we deprive the body of the function of one of its members. Each of our body parts has a function. If one decides not to do its part of the function of the body, the body suffers. If my heart decides to take a day off, the body is in trouble. If I take a day off from the gift God has given, the body suffers.
- Love without hypocrisy. [12:9-10] Acting lovingly to get something I want is hypocritical. True love lays down my desires for the good of my neighbor.
- Hate evil, love good. Don't let evil overcome me, overcome evil by doing good. [12:9, 21] I should never respond to evil with evil, but overcome evil by doing good.A problem I have is remembering that what is good is determined by God, not by me.
- Be fervent in spirit. [12:11] As I read the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, I notice that some lost their first love, some grew lukewarm. I was once fervent about football--my demeanor and attitude set by the success or failure of a team. As I have aged [maybe matured], I am less fervent about those games, still interested, but not fanatical. This makes me ask have I become less fervent about the Lord, am I so accustom to reading, studying, worshipping that they do not have the same impact on my life as they used to.
- Constantly rejoicing in hope. [12:12] Does the hope in me produce a daily rejoicing? We all know people who are joyful--they exude joy and brighten every room. Does my secured hope in Christ produce a spirit of rejoicing?
More tomorrow.
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