Thought for September 5, 2024

  • 1889: First modern brassiere patented
  • 1957: "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac published
  • 1960: Cassius Clay wins Olympic Gold in boxing
  • 1972: Black September takes 11 Israeli athletes captive at Olympics and kills them
  • 1975: Lynette Fromme attempts to assassinate Gerald Ford
  • 1995: Cal Ripken ties Lou Gehrig's consecutive games record of 2130
  •  2017: Hurricane Irma is most powerful ever in Atlantic Basin--185 mph
  • 2019: Erramatti Mangamma gives birth to twins at age 74
  • Born: Louis XIV, Jesse James, Paul Volcker, Bob Newhart, Raquel Welch, Michael Keaton, Freddie Mercury
  • Died:  Suleiman the Magnificent, Crazy Horse, Mother Teresa, Phyllis Schlafly
Reading a familiar story this morning in Mark 14:66-72. Jesus told Peter that Peter would deny Christ three times. Here Mark reports that story. If Peter was the source, what was it like for Peter to relive this event? This passage is very personal with me. It changed my life. 

When Jan and I served in the Air Force, I developed some bad habits. We went to a great church, First Baptist Wichita Falls TX. We had a great preacher, Landrum Leavell. We had a great Sunday School teacher, Stan Glover. But while I regularly attended, I was drinking and carousing with the guys. Trying to be a popular guy. Never having sown any wild oats, now was my time to make up for lost time. 

In 1974, our church did a presentation of the Gaither musical based on "Because He Lives." One of the scenes was the story of Peter's denial. As I sat in the pew, the Spirit convicted me of my denials. No, I had not told someone I did not know Jesus, but my life evidenced that if I did know Him I was certainly not following Him. My life would not lead anyone to Jesus. I met with my Sunday School teacher, confessed, repented, and recommitted to being a real follower. 

Now every time I read this story, I need to examine myself anew. Is there something in my life that denies that He is Lord? And I pray for Jesus to show me that place that needs confessing and repenting again. Maybe you don't have that problem, but if you do, today is a good day to re-enlist in His army. And then maybe sing a little "Because He Lives." 



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